Chapter 53

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The idea of loosing Maddy again had left my head months ago..The minute she was out of the hospital and after she recovered perfectly I thought she was good, I thought it was over and nothing could ever happen to her again because just like the first time I held her in my arms and I promised her that as long as I was around she was untouchable but I failed. Here I'am reliving the pain I felt when I first said my last words to her, I'm saying goodbye one more time and for the last time.

People come and offer me their condolences and finish their sentence with 'You did your best.'All I do is bite my tongue even tho in my head I'm screaming at them, I'm screaming "Then why is she dead?!"


I face my mother.

"Sweetheart Mrs.Solano is speaking to you."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I face the elderly lady who stands in front of me.

"Don't worry." She takes my hand in hers. "I just want to tell you how sorry I'am. I can't imagine what you're going thru, you know my granddaughter was born two days ago and then I get this call from your aunt Marie and my heart dropped, I didn't get to know Maddy as much as I would of liked-" she takes a sit by me. "But you know that you were the best daughter in law well now the second best don't want Betty getting jealous anyways Maddy was the granddaughter that you and my son couldn't give me and who knows maybe this wouldn't of happened if you had stayed with my son because my family is very healthy and so is yours it seems that the only defected one here is the father."

"Oh my god."I laugh but I want to cry and I want scream but I keep laughing until I face her."You are so fuçked up, why don't you leave?!" I turn around and face everyone and they try to act like they weren't looking. "If you have something to say, well don't fûcking say it! I don't care about what you have to say! I just want to be able to say goodbye to my daughter in peace!" I slowly walk and sit by Maddy.

"Sir it's time." I hear one of the men who walked in say and I see them get closer and try to close the casket but I get up and stop them.

"No wait." I turn around and press a kiss to Maddy's forehead.

"I love you baby, please don't forget about me when you get your wings my angel." I step aside for Louis to say goodbye and then Harry.

Harry pulls me aside.

"You're going home right?" He whispers.

"I don't know Harry."

"Selena we talked about it, you're not strong enough to handle it, please listen to me." I nod "Michael will take you home." I nod again.

"And will talk when we get home." I nod for the third time and he leaves with the rest.


A/N: Thank you! You guys are the best that's all I can say

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A/N: Thank you! You guys are the best that's all I can say....
Much love,

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