Chapter 39

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I stop and turn. "I just want it to check on you but I'll let you rest." I try to walk away.

"No it's fine, come take a sit." She sits up and gestures to the chair on her right.

I nod.

A part of me wanted her to kick me out, so I could run away and not face her for a while because deep down I still felt like it was my fault, I could of stoped all of this and I didn't but now she's doing great and the thought of her leaving us still crosses my mind.

"I'm sorry." I look at her surprised by what she just said.

"I'm sorry, I was coward but I couldn't let the pills go. I needed them to be calm and taught enough to tell you what's going on with Maddy. My sister told me, you know and I'm also sorry because it was my responsibility to tell you and I didn't, you had to hear it from somebody else."

I know I said we would tell her together but I can't keep it from her because she needs to know what's going on with Maddy and maybe that would lift her up and give her the strength to stay away from the pill and to get thru this and everything that's ahead of us.

"I know I was upset and I had the right to be but who am I to judge you because of what you've done, only you know how you felt to do what you did and if for any reason you felt like keeping her a secret was good for her, then I forgive you because I know hat as her mother you only want what's best for her."

That's how I honestly really feel now.

"Don't cry." I wipe her tears away.

"I'm sorry." She looks down as she starts fidgeting around with her hands.

"You need to get better, you can't keep taking does pills you've become addicted to them because you need them to be able function, if this happens again and no one finds you on time you could die. You can't leave our daughter specially not now that she's going need you more than ever. That day that this happened, I walked in to go get you and make you talk but I saw Mariana very excited and she said something about someone getting new heart." She gave me her full attention. "I didn't know at the time but then before you woke up she told me everything that was happening to Maddy and that's when she told me that Maddy is getting a new heart, so you can't fuçk up anymore."

She cries and I try to comfort her with a hug.

"Do you know when?" She wipes her tears.

"She's actually coming to see you in a bit and then later tonight she will check in for the doctors to check on her, then tomorrow morning she will get her new heart."

"Oh my god! I need to be there with her, I can't be here stuck to this bed."

"I'm sure if we let them know what's going, they will let you be with her." I smile.

"Mom!" I turn around to find Maddy running over to us, I pick her up to get her on the bed.

"Hi baby! How are you?" Selena's eyes light up as she looks at her daughter.

"Good. Uncle Harry was with me all the time." Selena smiles as she nods.

I wish she knew the truth but I'll have to be patient until Selena decides to.

"Sweetheart I'm glad you're okay!" Selena's mom makes her way to her and hugs and kisses her.

"I'm sorry mom."

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