Chapter 20

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Louis P.O.V

I ignore Harry. I'm so angry at him, I wish I could take it out on him the way he took it out on Selena but for the sake of the rest and even my self I try to keep calm.

"That's amazing!" Zayn nods.

"But don't tell her because I promised I wouldn't say anything."

"No problem mate." Niall pretends to zips his mouth.
Song: Madness

Harry P.O.V

Her own album I'm so happy for her. Her dreams are becoming true little by little. I go to my room, we have 2 more shows so they rented out an apartment It's 1pm here in London, we had our first show yesterday and we all got to see our family enjoy our show.

"Hello." A groggy sleepy voice answers.

I froze.

"Who is this?"


"Oh" I hear far away from the speaker.

"Harry are you okay, why are you calling me so early? Its five in the morning."  How can she ask if I'm okay after all I've don't to her.

"No, I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive you mean so much to me and I will hate to lose you over this fuc.king mistake I did. That I regret so much."

"Does Louis know your calling me?"

" Louis for once, leave him out of our problems please." I raise my voice but bring it back down.

"Alright. I don't want to fight is too early, so you want to talk about us?"

"Yes but if you want I'll let you sleep and then I'll call you again."

"No let's talk when your in place closer to my time zone or in person when you get back to LA."

"Alright. I love you." She doesn't say anything but she's still on the line I can hear her.

"I love you too, no matter how much you up." She hangs up and I smile like an idiot.


Selena P.O.V

Why did I say that? Oh god.. I just can't seem to be able to hate him and stay mad at him because I can't get away from him something..he always pulls me back in and I don't try to pull away because the reality is that I don't want to.


Today I'm having lunch with Caleb and I'm excited to see him. I been missing him like crazy, we haven't spoken till a day ago because of the different time zones and he was busy with his own work.

"Hiii!" Caleb jumps out his seat and hugs me.

"Hey I missed you so much!" I just him back.

"We have so much to catch on girl! How was tour?" We take our seats.

"It was good while it lasted. I had to leave with out letting the fans know after what happened but I'm great now."

"You can just say "after what happened with Harry?" Well what happened?"

"That's crazy! What did Louis do?"

LOVE WILL REMEMBER.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant