Chapter 10

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{{{ Hey everybody! I hope that you are enjoying my story. I'm knew at this so excuse me. I just want to let you guys know that I will be telling you guys what song I was listening to while I wrote the chapter it could be in Spanish or in English the song may not even make sense or relate to the chapter but it inspired some of it, so you should probably listen to it to feel the vibe I was feeling. (; -Anonymous.}}}

-song: Quit (feat Ariana Grande) by Cashmere Cat-

I was woken up by loud knocks. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time it was 7:00am. This better be important, my head is pounding and I'm so tired, I need sleep. I grab my robe and slide my feet into my slippers.

"No, no, no its to early for this, my head is pounding. I don't want to this anymore. Why don't we just skip to the part where I forgive you and then you leave. So I forgive you, goodbye." I was about to close the door but he pushed it open and walked in.

"Selena I'm sorry, I know I was wrong to be mad at you because we both are single and we can do what we want but I like you, I love you, and I miss you. I cant let you go. When I see him or any other guy near you it makes my blood boil. Selena please tell me nothing happened yesterday." He grabbed my hands and his eyes looked sad and full of worry.

"Harry he kissed me and I kissed him back. Honestly I felt something between me and him and it was there when me and you were dating but I ignored it and I thought it was crazy but it came back and I can't let it go ..I can't get him out my head. Me and you are over." I looked him in the eyes and I could see him break right in front of me when I pulled my hands away. "I cried day and night, I spent days, weeks and months stalking you like a crazy person but I was just in love and heart broken, missing you and thinking that you were the only one for me and how I depended on you and felt like I was nothing with out you, while you were out there on tour having the best time of your life and now you come back, just when I feel ready enough to move on with my life, you act like nothing and I get sucked back in here, I'm depending on you again, and if that wasn't enough, you blame everything that has happen on me and then BOOM! you tell me that you still love me. Its not fair." I look the other way I don't want to look at him because I know I will give in and go back to the same.

"What? Selena you had feelings for him while you were with me? you basically cheated on me."

"No wait no don't. I didn't" I stand up and pace around, this is ridiculous how could he?

"With your mind."

"Ugh I didn't get drunk and then fu.cked him and keep it a secret."

"It was a mistake okay! It was my job, how was I going to look to the fans singing and being sad or not work because I had broken up with my cheating girlfriend. I was broken too. I broke up with you because I knew we wouldn't make it , not even to half the tour."

I made my way to Harry and pushed him back down to the sofa and looked down at him "Stop! You broke up with me because you cheated on me and then you kept it a secret. You don't get to do this to me. Yes I thought about him for a while but I stopped because it was wrong, I was with you, I was in love with YOU! You cheated on me you fuc.ked some girl who could've had some type of You mess with me and then you ask for forgiveness and I forgive you again. I must've looked mad stupid in front of the guys. 'Look at her so in love with her boyfriend that just cheated on her a couple of days ago.' You embarrassed me." I walk away and grab a pillow throw it him, didn't hurt him but I need to get this anger out. "Me and you are done for the best, what ever this is can't continue on tour for the sake of everyone surrounding us." I let my self sink into the sofa and put my head in my hands.

"I love you Selena-"

I slap him "Shut up."

"oh my god. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." I get close to him and try to hug him but he pushes me away.

"What is going on ? Don't push her like that ever again." I turn around and see Caleb standing near the stairs.

"Caleb its fine."

"No its not fine Selena. You and Harry are done, this jealousy problem with Harry is not fine, Him pushing you like that was definitely not fine, this is how toxic relationships start. Nothing about you and Harry is fine it always ends this way!"

"She slapped me, she is the one with the problem." Harry spoke up.

"Both of you have problems. Harry you almost fought everyone at the club yesterday because you couldn't bare with the fact that Selena is ready to move on and that Louis could be the reason why ."

"Fix this for your sake not anybody else's" Caleb walked away.

"I'm sorry I slapped you. I don't know what happen to me. I want to forget this and get along because we are going to work together and we don't deserve this, we need to be happy and right now my happiness is with someone else. I'm sorry if I hurt you and for everything else that has happened."

"I'm sorry too. Cheating on you was a mistake and I should've come clean with you as soon as I saw you. I love you and I want the best for you but I do want to make something clear I don't care who you are with I'm not giving up. I'll climb my way up to your heart."

"Harry stop that's not going to happen, not when I'm trying to climb somebody else's." I look down.

He walks to the door and I give him a goodbye hug "please move on, its for the best." I hug him tighter.

"No promises." We smile at each other.


After Harry left I couldn't sleep anymore and Caleb went home. Today I had lunch with Louis and I was nervous. I texted him to see if we are still on for lunch.


LOUIS: I'll pick you up. x

I know that were going talk about what happen yesterday, I cant ignore this feeling. Not this time. I get ready as fast as I can and just wear a simple outfit.

LOUIS: Outside.


song: Start Again (feat. Elena Tonra)-

We pick a table that's far enough so paparazzi won't see us. Soon comes a waitress and takes our order. We didn't say a word after she left but he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I was a drunk and I don't know why I did it. I'm sorry for causing you trouble with Harry that wasn't my intention. I'll tell him the truth or I'll lie to him whatever you want."

I looked at him and I smiled at him because I thought I was nervous but I'm calm compared to him. How did I do it? How could I ignore this feeling and seeing him all the time. How could I look away from those beautiful sea green with a hint of blue eyes. "Louis he know we kissed. Please don't be sorry because I'm not." I don't know what has gotten into me, something about him makes me not care and grow courage. "I'm not sorry you kissed me and I 'am definitely not sorry for kissing you back. I meant it when I told you to take me home, I know that was way to much but when I kissed you I felt good, the moment felt perfect even if we were drunk, in a club surrounded by sweaty people." I smiled and look at him. "Honestly, this feeling that I feel towards you, I felt it before but I was with him. Harry was my first everything, I thought he was the only one for me and that with out him I was nothing and I couldn't leave him, specially not for one of his bandmates , not for one of his friends." I grab his hands and I'm glad he doesn't pull away, "Here I' am with you. Telling you that I like you and asking you to give us a chance, to give me a chance. I know that there is a lot drama surrounding me at the moment but please don't let that get in the way. Harry knows I like you and I made it clear its over between us and we talked today in the morning and everything ended for good and we are only working together."

"Selena you-"

"Sorry for the wait." The waitress interrupts Louis.


May 22, 2017

Millions including my self are affected by this sad tragedy.My heart and my prayers go out to Ariana, her fans, victims and their families. My heart is with you Manchester. It will get better, have HOPE. Much love.


LOVE WILL REMEMBER.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora