"Anything you want?" I say firmly so he just gets to the topic instead of asking how I am doing.

"What?... Ummm... Yeah... Mayer probably already called you to go to the agency but I wanted to see you before the official meeting.." He says, sounding like he's hesitating but the only thing that I'm thinking about right now are the words Jenny said about 10 minutes ago.

"Why?... Jenny probably won't agree with this." I say angrily and get in my car.

"Why are you talking about her?..." He first says but then remembers something "Oh no... Alyssa... can you just come over... Please?" He sweetly asks but it doesn't change the fact that he hid something that big to me while he knows a lot about me.

"I've nothing to tell you-" I try to argue but he just cuts me off and takes the speech.

"I need an opinion on a song and... I wanted yours because you probably never listened to any of my songs so it'd be a great thing to have a new 'ear' to judge it but... it's mostly because you might understand me." He says but I don't let him finish and turn on the engine of my car.

"Where are you?" I ask while getting out of the car park.

"At my condo... thank you." He says and we hang up.

A few minutes later I receive a text where he gives me his address and I just drive away until I reach the building I was looking for.

I take my things and get out of the car to walk in the massive construction where Shawn is living. The hall is really big, spacious and bright even though it's only a building entrance.

I take the elevator and get out of it when it reaches the floor I asked for. I nervously walk to the door Shawn indicated me and knock on it.

I wait a bit and it opens on the tall man at who I'm really mad.

None of us talks and he just directs me to get in the condo which is exactly like the building entrance. A large, bright and cozy condo.

"Thank you for coming..." He says while getting in the living room which is opened to the entrance and to the kitchen.

The three in one room. A huge room that could be enough for like 3 families and I'm not even exaggerating. It's a simple apartment with every furniture in white or grey. Basic but so beautiful.

Even though there are many of his things laying everywhere, it still seems really tidied up which surprises me a bit.

"You like it?" He asks and I turn to him.

"I like the view." I simply reply but the view is awesome and the bay window makes it even more beautiful.

He chuckles and I focus back on him who's plugging his phone into speakers.

I sit on the sofa and watch him standing in front of me, next to the television and the speakers... I don't know why he's doing this and what is wrong with him but I can't wait anymore and ask him.

"So... Jenny is back right?" I say while looking down, at my hands.

"She called me a while ago, begging me to forgive her..." He admits and puts his phone on the coffee table.

"And you forgave her because she asked you to, right? I wish life was that easy" I ask with a tone of anger because I don't understand how he could forgive her while she cheated on him.

He seems to get embarrassed because he runs his hand through his hair and puts the other in his jeans' pocket.

"No... It's not what you think it is, Alyssa... I just figured out that she's like that and that she was insecure... she doesn't trust herself. That's probably why she doesn't act well with people..." He says and walks to sit next to me but I get up from the sofa at the same time and face him from above.

"But how can you forgive this fucking hoe who left you at your lowest?? How can you forgive her while she doesn't even care about how you feel?... Why can she get everything that's good while she's literally a bitch?" I show him my anger and raise my voice because I can't contain myself. I can't let her break him once again.

"Why are you getting mad at me while you date someone who acts like shit to you as well?" He gets up and walks to me, frowning.

He's definitely not happy with what I said about Jenny and I know that if I argue more, I'll just say things that I will regret.

"I don't know how I'm gonna understand your song while I don't even understand what you're doing with Jenny," I say and sit back on the sofa.

We're both reacting a way, friends shouldn't and we know that but we can't admit it. We can't break our deal. A promise is a promise.

A silence falls on the condo but it's immediately filled with the voice notes that come from the speakers.

And I instantly recognize it.

The song from the party.

Of course, I understand him.


Hey everyone! This chapter is pretty long and I hope you liked it! tell me what do you think about it!!

Love you all.


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