Lynn stopped strumming his guitar, lost in thought. "I want to believe he will. But we have to be realistic." He began playing again, working on his entry for the finals. The finals were less then two months away. They feel exactly two weeks after our group's one year anvieray. A year of friendship. batt;es, and ew experinces. At the rate things were going, we wouldn't make it another month.

"Stop worrying." Lynn stopped playing to take notes. "Things will work out. Besides, you have a competition soon."

"I totally forgot!" I've been so worried about everythubg else, I forgot to prepare for my figure skating competition. This will be my chacne to get revenge on Mara. The two of us have been rivials for years. People often compare us to each other. Our styles are polar opposisites. Mara always goes for flashy fancy moves. Her transcitions are trash, but the judges love have daring she is. My style foucses more on peractions, stlye, and skill. I worked hard to keep my skills pereice and sharp. Every routines' moves were made to flow effortly into each other. The judges rewared my hard work with high scores. "I should go practice!"

I began to get up, but Lynn pulled me down. A smirk on his face, he held up his notebook. "Another time. Today, we work on improving the lyrics." I hated singing, my parents tried to force singing lessons on me. When that didn't work, they tried figure skating. Lynn is the only person I'll willing sing for. We're best friends, sometimes we'll only listen to each other. "You don't have to sing anything today. Just help me rewrite everything."

I agreed to help Lynn, only if her accompanied me to practice. We maybe best friends, but there were somethings we still didn't want to do. Singing is one of mine. I'll help Lynn and he creates music to use during my competitions. Lynn insists he has to watch my routine before creeating the 'perfect' song.

"Let me see." Lynn happily handed over his notebook, perferring to two on the music. He played several different melodies, never playing one for longer then a mintue.Reading through the lyrics, they felt different from Lynn's normal stuff. Lynn doesn't have a set music genre, he writes and plays what inspires him. This newest song felt fake, a false kind of joy. The words describled a happy feeling, but the way it was written felt forced. "Lynn, did something happen?" Lynn's music betrayed how he felt. I knew him well enough to notice the slight difference in his music.

"nothing new." Lynn's voice was netural, but his playing became sobmer.

"Lynn." Placing my hand on his gurtiar, I got his full attention. "talk."

Lynn shrugged,
"There's nothing to say. My dad found out about the competition and wants me to drop out." He's voice grew bitter the more he spoke. "I said no, he yelled. Same old tale." Lynn's father was a retired soccer player. He wanted his only son to follow in his footsteps. It didb't help that Lynn can easily adapt to playing any sport.

"Don't let that affect your music." A thought came to mind. "You need to relax. Let's do some parkour!" Parkour is mine and Alexei's thing, sometimes Lynn joins us. I haven't been able to go recently, neither has Lynn.

A smile appeared on Lynn's face. "You have the most random ideas." Laughing, he picked up his guatiar. "Lead the way." We headed back to the dorms to chance, agreeing to meet up in the quad later. For two hours, we wouldn't worry or stress about anything. We'd be two normal students hanging out, together.


Alexei's POV:

Frustation drained away, the faster I ran. Working out, allowed me to forget my anger. Finding Emi took prioty over how betaryed I felt. My feelings about Cam didn't matter. Cam is a good guy, who'd do all he could to find Emi. My earlier outbrust was about them lying to me. Had they been truthful, I wouldn't have been mad, only shocked.

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defendersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें