Chapter 27- You know Legends Never Die

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Time Skip

I wake up on a cold cement floor tied up by thick rope. "Good Afternoon Cassidy." ("I was wondering how cold the room would need to be for you to wake up" I'm so not sorry) A monotone voice greets me walking into the light. As i regain my vision and swallow some saliva I cough. "Where am I?" I ask dryly. "No need to worry about that. He says looking left of me. I look and see piles of rope and certain pictures with text underneath them. I see a picture of my Mom and Dad on their wedding day, I see my aunt and then my grandma and grandpa. Then two empty frames with no text underneath, I guessed that one was for me and Eve "Why do you want us?" I ask looking back over to him. "Your great great grandfather and my great uncle that's why." he says simply I look down at myself and see blood on my shirt. This was my favorite shirt, it was a Panic! crew shirt with my name on the back. The man walks through the cracked wood door and I hear his footsteps walk away and I try reaching into my pants. I know, it's a weird place to keep anything but I put it there from the bathroom since I knew what would happen already. I pull the blade out and take the band-aid off it (So it wouldn't cut me) and start to rub it against the side of the rope. Part of it frays and I hear the footsteps coming back in. I drop the blade between my legs and cover it with my right thigh. "Cassidy?" The woman comes in. "What." I say rolling my eyes. "You still have an attitude even if you're tied up." She says, pacing the length of the room. "I wouldn't imagine it being any better if I wasn't tied up" I say and she stops. "Don't talk back to me" she says and I flinch slightly "I'll do what I please" I say and she steps to my feet. "You, young lady. Do what I say. Understand?" she snaps and I turn my head. "You're not my legal guardians so no I don't have to follow your rules. Understand?" I say. back and she steps back a bit before marching towards me. "You are under our roof. You follow our rules." she says. "But i don't want to be under your roof. I want to be under my roof" I say rolling my eyes. "But you're supposed to be under our roof not Branden's-" I cut her off. "Brendon you dumb nut" I say rolling my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time. "Whatever. As I was saying, You need to obey me and anyone else in this house." She says walking out, stopping before walking up the first step. "Clear?" she asks and I nod. "Crystal." I say, waiting for her footsteps to get quiet before nudging the blade from under my thigh, leaning over and grabbing it, starting to rub the side of the rope again. I watch as it frays more and more until it becomes thin. I look over at the door and see the handle jiggling. I throw the blade under my leg again and turn the rope to be under my left wrist.

I look back up at the door and see long black hair. I gasp as one of the men holding Evelyn as tears stream down her face. "Eve! how'd they get you?" I ask and she tries to wipe some tears. "Th-they followed Bren t-to P-p-pete's and g-got me" she stutters and grunts and the man throws her to the wall then ties her wrists together. I sigh as she gives up fighting him and sits still as he finishes the knot. "I'm sorry" I say.

Pete's POV-

"Bren" I whine. "Cass and Evelyn both are gone!" I sob dialing Evelyn's phone for what feels like the 100th time. After 5 rings it hangs up to her voicemail again and I throw my phone to the ground. "Call Cassie again!" I yell, putting my head in my hands. I hear Brendon tap his foot as a faint ringing from his phone and I look up, seconds later his face lights up as the ringing stops and a cough is heard through the line. He puts it on speaker. "D-Dad. Is Pete with you?" she asks, "Yes. Yea he's here, are you okay?"

He asks her and I can sense her shaking her head. "No. Eve is right here. I only just got my hands out of the rope, I'm working on hers. There's a window going out to ground level we can get out of. Track our phones so you can find where we are. We're still in Cali I know we are." she says and I nod. "Okay, I didn't even think of that." Brendon says. "Eve are you ok?" I ask trembling less knowing she's alive, "Yeah, I'm fine. Honestly i think I'm better than Cassie" she says, Brendon's eyes widen and I form a watery smile and hear a chuckle from Cassie. "I agree" she says. "Cass what happened?" Brendon asks. "I think I got a bit of a sprained wrist and my elbow still hurts. I obviously have scratches, otherwise, I think I'm fine." she says. Brendon sighs and I stand up grabbing my phone off the floor grabbing my keys ushering to the door looking at Brendon and he nods. "Cass, Eve, we're going to track your phones. Keep going and dont get caught. I love you" he says. "Love you too dad" Cass says. "Love you Pete" Eve says and he smiles. "Love you too" he says. Brendon hangs up and we run out the door to his car, we drive to the police station and walk in as the secretary looks up from typing. "How can I help you?" she asks. "Our two kids got kidnapped and we're looking to track their phones?" I ask and she looks at Brendon to me. "Ok um, what's their numbers?" she asks. I tell her Eve's and Brendon tells her Cassie's and she types them in looking closely to the screen, pushing up her thin glasses. "It looks like their in different places." she pauses and I shake my head. "No we know their both in the same place, Cassie answered and Eve was there, Eve's phone must have dropped it when she was fighting the man." I say and she nods. "Okay that makes sense. Which one had their phone?" she asks. "Cassie did" I say and Brendon says her number again.



I'm in math class plz bring death upon me with a spork.


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