Chapter 5- Tour

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It's been a couple weeks, Iza and Syd know about tour and everything like that and tour starts tomorrow. Syd, Iza, and I are listening to music and talking until a certain song only familiar to me and a couple other people came on the shuffle 


A moment you'll never remember

And a night you'll never forget


All you sinners st- 

I jump up and slam the off button. "What was that? It sounded like Brendo-" Iza cut Syd off "WAS THAT ONE OF THE NEW SONGS???" Iza screams. I sigh "one sec guys" I say walking downstairs to Brendon "Hey kid whats up? I heard one of you scream something" Bren asks "It was Iza, she screamed about one of the new songs. Hallelujah came on my shuffle." I say nervous of how he would react. "How much of it did you play?" He asked calmly but I saw alarm in his eyes "I cut it off at the first 'sinners st-'.." I cut myself off "Ok thats fine." He says and I let out a sigh of relief and walked back upstairs 


Syd went home around 45 minutes ago and its just me and Iza sitting. "Do you like anyone?" She asks me. "Really? You want me to go get my nail polish to make this a scene?" I say with a chuckle "Cass! Really? I'm just asking" Iza replies laughing "I dont like anyone but do you?" I say "I like Randey kind of" she says blushing "ooOooooOooo"

~Time skipples bc im lazy~

"Cass! Hurry up! The bus is going to be here any minute!" Brendon yells up to me "Ok ok I'm coming" I yell back at him as I grab my converse along with my bags and run downstairs to see Brendon in the doorway on -what looks like- his Instagram "Ok" (Ok my grandpa just walked into my room and walked out saying nothing and I'm very confused) We walk out and I see a tour bus thats about the size of 6 Dallon's laying down 

~Woo I'm doing way to many of these~ 

"Ok, so whens is the first show?" I ask laying on the couch in the lounge/kitchen area with my legs on Dallons lap. Kenny and Brendon are sitting across on the other couch. "Tonight, 6 o'clock is soundcheck. Oh! Cass, do you wanna do a cover during the show?" Brendon asks me and I jolt up "Wait, really?" I swung my legs over Dallons lap to the floor to sit upright "Yea really. So do you want to?" Kenny answered and asked for Brendon. I started to jump up and down "Yes Oh my god Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" I paused and sat back down "Wait I need to pick a song" I say thoughtfully. Then it popped into my head. "Oh! Can I do 'I'm like a Lawyer'?" I asked them hopefully "Yea thats cool!" Dallon says to me looking over at Brendon with a smirk and I look back over to Brendon. He's smiling mischievously. "What's going on?" I say chuckling "You'll see at the first venue" Brendon says still smiling. I shrug and go to my bunk, I have the middle bunk on the left, I climb into it and lay with my phone in my hands. I decided to text someone from my old school when I was at the adoption center. Kenzi. I haven't talked to her since a week and a bit before I got adopted. To be honest, I missed her. She was my only friend from my old school. She knew everything about me. Until I got adopted of course 

(I'll try and make it clear whose talking)

Hey Kenzi! 

~3 minutes after~

Hey! Where are you? Haven't been in school for the past month

About that...


I mayor may not have gotten adopted by Brendon Urie


Yea, I may or may not be on the tour bus for Panic! right now..

Cassie, I don't believe you.

"Bren!" I yell into the lounge from my bunk "Yea Cass?" "My friend doesn't believe me that you adopted me" He laughs and I hear him get up "Can you facetime her?" "One sec"

I'll prove it. ft?

Mk. Still don't believe you

~Ringing Kenzi xD~

"Hey!" "Well?" She asks "Well what?" Brendon asks going into shot "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD" Kenzi screams "CASS YOU'RE A URIE" She's jumping up and down on camera at this point and I'm laughing my ass off at her enthusiasm to me being a Urie. "That indeed she is" Bren said to her in a terrible British accent, He got a punch from me for that. "Ok Kenzi, I gotta go. See you" I say to her "Ok, bye little Urie" I laugh at the nickname and end the call. "You have to go?" Brendon asks me and I laugh. "Duh, to hang with you and the guys" He chuckles. 

I flop down on the couch with my legs yet again ending up on Dallons lap. Then something pops into my head, "Wait whose opening for us?" I ask "You'll see. You're gonna like them I think" He says. I look to him and give him a 'The hell you saying' type of look.

~Wooshy wooshers~ 

Were sitting in the dressing room of the first venue its 5 minutes until the opening act. "I Wanna go out and watch" I say sitting against the couch on the floor between Kenny's legs "Wait til they start playing" Bren says to me. I can hear the tone he's using, mischievous yet happy. "Mk, Fine" I say rolling my eyes, though he can't see it I know he heard it. 5 minutes passed and I was ready to go see whose playing then I heard a guitar playing the beginning of a familiar song. I knew this. Wait. "Can I go out now" I ask Brendon turning to face him. "Dal. Go out there with her." He says to Dallon Then whispers something I can barely hear. "Just..........reaction" I hear that. We walk out to back stage 

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

Holy. Shit.


Hahaha I'm evil I know ur welcome. Ok working on chapter 6 now. Bye my doods and doodettes


Trade Mistakes (adopted by Brendon Urie) •{COMPLETED}•Where stories live. Discover now