Chapter 18- Taco Bell

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~2 days after the last chapter~

"Hey Ish. Your hair! It's blue!" I exclaim, laying in my bunk holding my phone. "Hey Cass. Thanks. Wazzup? Happy belated birthing, by the way" She laughs. "Thanks and not much only playing around with my new guitar on the bus. Are you going to come see a show?" I ask. "Maybe. I might be able to since I'm visiting my grandparents in Virginia" She says writing something down. "Ooh is Ish starting a diary for all the days I'm gone?" I hold back a laugh. "Shush I'm drawing for my art project" She laughs. "Oooh whats the art project?" I ask. "Not much, it's just a self portrait and you have to color it" She says. "Oooh lemme see" I say clapping. She shows me her paper with a picture of her with pink hair. "Pink?" I ask. "Yea I had it for a little bit but it faded into a weird orange-pink-blonde" I scrunch up my face. "Eugh" I say. "Yea it was gross, Syd said I should do blue next so I did" She shrugged. "Nice. I like how it's faded" I comment. "Thanks" She says. "So how is my child Syd?" I ask chuckling. "She's good. If you saw her snapchat, she dyed her hair as well. Blue-ish green and purple, also more blonde streaks" I nod. "Yea I saw that. She sent me a video of her in the car when she first had gotten it done." I say. "Cassie!" Dallon calls. "One sec" I say quickly putting myself on mute. "What Dal?" I yell back. "Come out here" He says. "Ok I'll be out in a minute, I'm on a call with Izabel" I yell, unmuting myself. "I gotta go. Dallon wants me, probably for tonight's setlist." I say. "Ok bye Cass" She says "Bye" I say and hang up, sliding my curtain over and hopping out of my bunk. "Anyways what'd you guys want me for?" I ask walking into the room, sitting down on Dallons lap. "Well since All Time Low are still here I was thinking we could do another fun setlist." Brendon states. "Alright what'd you have in mind?" I ask. "So I was thinking. Play it like a regular Panic! Show, then while we play Miss Jackson, in the silent part" He pauses. "I cut you off with an ATL song I'm guessing?" Brendon nods. "That's my girl" He laughs. "Ok so what's the setlist for it?" I ask. "So I was thinking, Victorious, Don't Threaten Me, There's a Reason These Tables are Numbered, Miss Jackson, then into the ATL songs. We'll have to talk to the ATL guys about that. Then finish with 20 Dollar going into Holly Would You Turn Me On" He thinks aloud. "Cool. I'll text Alex to get the guys over here once we stop" I say pulling out my phone opening up my messages.

C- Yo dood u 4 shood com 2 teh Panic! boos wen we stahp

A- Okay also I'm guessing all of those are purposely spelled wrong?

C- yEs

A- Ok see you guys when we're stopped

"Cool All Time Low will be here when we stop" I say chuckling. "What happened" Brendon asks rolling his eyes. "I completely spelled things wrong when I was texting Alex." I say laughing. "Oh God" Brendon laughs. "Hey its what I do best." I say putting my hands under my chin. "Yep. We all know that." Dallon says sarcastically. "Rude" I state, kicking his leg.

~Time Skipple my hoes~

"I want Taco Bell" I whine. "Stop turning into Tyler." Brendon shouts from the back of the bus. "I'm not I just want Taco Bell" I yell back. "Whatever. Find the nearest one and text the guys to stop there." He yells. "And please spell things right." He adds laughing. "Fine" I yell. "I guess" I mutter and Dallon chuckles. "Oh shush" I push him lightly before unlocking my phone, opening google maps as well as my messages. (Its like a half screen thing, its on Samsung phones) When I look at maps I see there is one right off an exit in 15 minutes. I go back to my messages and text Pete.

Cassie- Hey pizza, There's a Taco Bell off exit ### and I want it.

Sir Pizza- Pizza?

Cassie- Yep your Sir Pizza in my contacts. Now tell everyone else that we're stopping at le Taco Bell.

Sir Pizza- Wow ok bye Cass

Cassie- Bye Sir Pizza

"Everyone put on your Sonbraraohs we're going to Taco Bell" I scream. "Oh my God Cassie be quiet it's only Taco Bell" Kenny yells. "Oh shush you, Taco Bell is Jesus in food form" I yell back to him. Brendon laughs. "Okay stop you're turning into Tyler" Brendon walks out pulling me into a side hug. "But daaaaaddddd. Taco Bell is so gooooddddd" I whine. "I'm going to find a huge book and slam it across your face" Dallon yells. "That was rude and uncalled for Dal. Rude and un. called. for." I say snapping my fingers at certain syllables. "Hush child." Dal puts his hand in the air. "Whatever, you guys are losers. I'm going to talk to Gee bye bitches" I say digging myself down into the couch. "Watch your fucking language Cassie" Brendon says. "Wow. Ok bye" I say as I open my messages, then opening Gee's contact.

Cassie- Gee dads being annoying

Werard Gay- Pull his balls off

Cassie- Damn that's one approach down

Werard Gay- Tru

Cassie- Beh I want to be on someone else's bus

Werard Gay- Hold on.

Cassie- Oh no

Werard Gay- Look outside

Cassie- What'd you do

Werard Gay- Just look outside Cass

Cassie- 'Kay..

I stand up and look out of the little window. Fall Out Boy's bus is right next to ours. Right. My Chem is (unfortunately for FOB) in Fall Out Boy's bus. I see Gerard open the door and stand there with his phone. Then mine buzzes.

Werard Gay- Open your door

Cassie- wHat?

Werard Gay- Open it. I'm jumping

Cassie- Omfl Gee

Werard Gay- Just open the door Cassie

I open the door and Brendon rushes out. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks quickly. "Gee is jumping into the bus. We're parallel to FOB" I say simply. "Whatever don't die" He puts his hands up in defeat and walks out. "Alright does literally anyone on that bus know your jumping?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "One sec" I say and open my phone again.

Cassie- Gee is jumping out your bus

He's got a soul Voice- Oh lord

Seconds later I see Patrick, Pete and Andy behind Gerard. "Alright" Gee sighs to himself.


Hey so I'm kind of back. Not completely back but I just finished editing this chapter. (I'm in Language Arts rn)

I just noticed I write a lot of my chapters in school. I need to stop doing that.

Alright I'll leave yet again.

-Toxic Daydream

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