Chapter 20- Leave.

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(Still Evelyn's POV. btw Evelyn is Greek and has many Greek beliefs so she will be saying 'Gods' instead of 'God')

its.yagirl.evelyn- Seriously? Thank you! I would love to but I would probably have to sneak out to get to places :/

cassieurie- Why would you need to sneak out? Just ask your parents.

its.yagirl.evelyn- That's the thing, I don't have any. The tickets were a birthday gift from a friends parent. We have the same birthday btw!

cassieurie- Oh my god it's awesome that we have the same birthday! But you're a foster child as well?

its.yagirl.evelyn- Yea I am... My foster mom is a bitch though.

cassieurie- I feel you, one of my old foster moms were like that :/ But I could get Brendon to talk to her to have you come to a few shows!

its.yagirl.evelyn- That would be amazing! I'd love to get away from this place.

cassieurie- Great! What's the name of your foster home?

its.yagirl.evelyn- New Beginnings Adoption Centre of San Francisco. I know I hate telling people that name. It's so cringey.

cassieurie- Definitely cringe worthy. We'll be notifying the place soon!

Oh my Gods finally, I'm finally getting out of this place. Even if it's just for a little while. I get to escape for a while!

Cassie's POV-

"Dad did you email Evelyn's home yet?" I whine. "Yea I just sent it" he says. "Cool" I say and grab his laptop. I read the email confirming it.

Hello Ms Delgado,

I would like to ask of you that one of your foster children, Evelyn Rogers, can come onto my tour bus to take photos at our concerts for a little while. We have all seen the good photos that they had taken and the concert a few nights ago regarding my daughter's birthday. If you can please tell us within the next two days, it would be fantastic.

Thank You,

-Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco

"Awesome" I hand his laptop back over to him. My phone buzzes again and I pick it up. Another message from Evelyn.

its.yagirl.evelyn- Ms Delgado just punched me btw. She said I shouldn't had been at that concert and that I'm a disgrace... She also said that she's happy that I'm finally leaving her, yet she's pitying you guys for wanting me....

cassieurie- Oh my God.

its.yagirl.evelyn- It's fine this happens all the time for me.

cassieurie- No Evelyn this isn't 'fine'

its.yagirl.evelyn- Really, it's fine. Don't pity over me

cassieurie- Evelyn I know what that feels like and I'm not pitying you I'm concerned.

its.yagirl.evelyn- You shouldn't be..

cassieurie- one second.

"Brendon!" I yell. He runs in. "What?" he asks sitting down next to me. I hand him my phone. He reads the messages. "Oh my God." He breathes. "I'm so happy we found her" He says.

~Tyme Skerp~

Dear Mr. Urie,

I would love to send Evelyn to do something she loves! We here are always pushing our kids to do what they want to. I would though need a date she would be leaving, and an estimated time she may be coming back to the center.


Jennessa Delgado of New Beginnings Adoption Centre of San Francisco

"Cass we got an answer!" I hear Brendon yell. I run in and snatch Brendon's laptop and read it. As soon as I finish my phone dings.

its.yagirl.evelyn- omg

cassieurie- iknow

its.yagirl.evelyn- oh my Godssss

cassieurie- Gods?

its.yagirl.evelyn- I'm greek so I say Gods instead of God

cassieurie- ah alright

its.yagirl.evelyn- sO what show will I be coming to?

cassieurie- dunno. We might send Zack to get you and bring you to the venue we're headed to.

its.yagirl.evelyn- Cool

"Hey Brendon? How are we going to get Evelyn here" I ask. "Actually I don't know" He says. "We can send Zack or someone to get them" I suggest. "Yea that could work. Once we get to wherever we're eating we can send Zack out to get her." He finishes. "Cool" I say. "Tell her to pack her things. She'll be picked up in a couple hours" Brendon says walking away. "Alright" I say and open my phone yet again.

cassieurie- Hey, pack your things Zack will be picking you up in a few hours.

its.yagirl.evelyn- Ok! Gtg then, c u

cassieurie- Yup c u

Evelyn's POV-

I stand up and get my black suitcase, grabbing my hairbrush I brush out my kind of long black hair. When I'm done with that I look through my small wardrobe and pick out a white crop top with black stripes. It's one of the only 'okay' shirts (that isn't a band shirt) I have, the rest are either really old or are band tees. I also take out a pair of fading gray-black leggings. I take out 4 other band tees and 2 solid colored shirts. Also taking 2 pairs of black leggings and 2 pairs of skinny jeans. I fold and put those into the bottom of my suitcase. "What are you doing?" Amber asks me, acknowledging my existence. "Packing to leave, at least for a little while" I respond. "Who adopted you? We haven't had an Adoption Day in week(e)s." She asks. "I didn't get adopted, Panic! at the Disco is taking me to take pictures for some shows to see if I like it." I shrug forwarding my attention back to packing. "Wow I'm surprised they wanted you" she mumbles. "Well they think I take damn good photos" I say. "Whatever" she says and we both go back to our own things. I finish packing my things, consisting of other toiletries, makeup, my Ipod charger, headphones, my crappy little speaker, my camera, and my hair things.

~I'm in science rn help~

I sit on my bed scrolling through my instagram and occasionally talking to my friend Alex from school. "Evelyn get down here!" Ms. Delgado yells. I turn off my Ipod and go downstairs. "Yea?" I ask before I see Zack. "Oh heh hey Zack" I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Hey kid, you ready to go?" He asks. "Yep I just need to go get my things and that was so difficult not to make a reference" I laugh. "Alright kiddo I'll be outside" Zack says before I run up the steps and grab my suitcase. I run back down and Ms. Delgado stops me. "What? I'm finally leaving for a little bit, you gonna give me a punch or a kick for the road?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Speaking of I might just do that" She snarls and trips me just to await for a kick in the ribs. I wait for more but she pushes me to the door. "Go" she says. "Leave" she points at the door. "K bye bitch" I say and walk out the door to Zack's car. "How long of a drive is it?" I ask. "3 hours. You'll be taking a lot of pictures and running around" He says and I nod. "Okay" I say as I pull out my Ipod. "Oh is that all you have?" He asks. "Yea I saved up from chores to buy this. I have some other things from birthdays" I say shrugging. 


Wow I'm starting to update again. But whatever, I almost wrote all of this in science class :/ I seriously need to stop doing that though.  Anyways I need to do my maths homework. Bye frens :p (I've been playing 'Emily is away' a bit to much sorry)

-ya bOi LiVi

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