Chapter 6- To wake up next to you

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Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

Holy. Shit.

Fall Out Boy is opening for us. Their playing 'Where'd the Party go?'. Holy shit. I look over to Dallon to see him holding his phone camera at me. "Dal...." I trail off. Barely audible. "DAL OHMYGOD FALL OUT BOY IS OPENING FOR US" I squeal loud but not too loud at start to jump up and down. Zack comes over to us from in front. "Ya good there Cassie?" He asks chuckling. "I'm fine Zack go do your job or whatever" I say laughing. If there was a funny factor of the people in Panic! and him. He'd probably be 2nd with Brendon 1st. Bren is just straight up stupid type of funny. Zack just cracks random jokes out of nowhere that are really funny. Dallon is the one you go to as a funny but helping big brother. Kenny you go to for more serious things. Dan and I don't talk much because he is on a different bus. When we do talk it's kinda like a mix of Zack and Kenny. 


Fall Out Boy is done and its a couple minutes until Panic! goes on "Bren..." I trail off "Mhm?" "Why the hELL did you keep that Fall Out Boy was opening for us?" I ask going to anyone in the room. "Brendon's idea don't blame us" I hear Kenny say. I mumble a "well?" I'm too comfortable to look over to them "I just thought it would be a nice surprise to see them opening and I'd get used to it, you're gonna be hanging out with them a lot" I smile at the thought of that. I was just a normal girl who obsessed over the people she now is aquainted with or are friends/family. "Wow..." I say aloud not noticing the guys heard me. "What Cassie?" Dal asks "Nothing just thinking" I reply "Mk" I start to think again. My thoughts are interupted by someone coming in with earpieces throwing them at me and the guys "3 minutes, everyone backstage" they say looking to me and smiling. I smiled back as she left the room.

~Time Skip~

I was going on after this song, Miss Jackson. I watched as I'm suddenly getting a mic shoved at me "Just go out there and rock it ok?" I hear a voice from behind me. Pete Wentz. "Oh, Hi Pete.." I say nervously "No time for introductions now, get up there!" I hear him say as people shoved me up the stairs I walk up the rest and yell into my mic "How are you San Fransisco?" I ask as the crowd goes insane about my appearance on stage. Louder than when the guys came out.. What the hell? Brendon walked over and yelled "Who's Ready to Go?" hinting to the song as the beginning starts to play 

"You've got these little things, that you've been running from" Brendon sang

"You either love it or guess you don't" Dallon, Brendon, and I harmonize. The crowd hasn't heard me sing much so they go insane. We finish the song and I sit at the base of Dan's drum riser its the back also so people thought I left. I had this planned out but none of the boys exept Dallon knew about it. They start to play I write sins and I talk into my mic "Wait wait wait wait, Excuse me Beebo, I didn't do my cover?" I say slowly walking to him Dallon behind me. I didn't look to make sure. I knew he was there though, I felt it. We had that thing where we kinda just sensed that the other was there, I dunno how we do it though. Brendon looks at me "Hmm, you guys wanna hear Cassie?" He asks the crowd as the get even louder than before when I first walked on. I look over to right stage. Pete. "hold on a sec guys I'll be back." I say walking over to Pete "I'm doing one of your songs, get up there. I grab another guitar. "Well come on, get yours!" I say to Pete. "Sass much?" He asks walking to his dressing room. I walk to the stage and walk back on "So I'm having someone join me so boys!" I say ushering them off stage. They look confused. except for Dallon. He knew what was happening. We discussed it backstage when I figured out they were there. "Pete! C'mon!" I say and the crowd starts to cheer again. He started to play. I joined him. "Last years wishes, are this years apologies. Every last time I come home." I sing. Pete backing me up on some parts. This felt right. I loved it. I continued to sing and play until the last line, I gave it to the crowd. "Honeymoon" Pete, the crowd, and I harmonized. "Thank you! now I'm going to meme it here mk? mk. Thanks Pete!" I see the crowd collapse. People like me. Trash. In the best way. 

~Time Skip bc its almost 1 am and I'm tired~

"Cassie that was amazing!" The guys congratulated me on my first show. "Can I go meet FOB now?" I begged Bren. "Go ahead" he replies tiredly. I could tell that wore him out a bit. I don't blame him. He hasn't toured in a good year and a bit. "K" I say to them and walk out the door down the hall until I see 'Fall Out Boy' I knocked and Patrick answered "Hey kid! Nice crash tonight!" He says letting me in. "Thanks" I walk over to Pete since I was just performing with him "Hey kid" He says to me putting an arm around my shoulders "Hi. Is now the time for introductions?" I say talking about backstage before I crashed the show. He chuckles. "Yea, now'd be a cool time." I say. "Well you guys know my name is Cassie, I'm 14 and turning 15 over this tour. As you saw, I sing and play guitar but I also play piano, clarinet, and ukulele" I explained to them. "Nice" Someone said, It sounded like Joe. "Well you know us. You'll get to know us over the tour" Pete looks to me "You'll have fun, I'll make sure of that" he says finally This was going to be the best tour I go on. Even if there are many others to come. 


Heyo! So I wanted to make this chapter a bit longer and I did. Woop! mk thats all, Bye my doods and doodettes


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