♦ Time♦

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I was on the floor, bleeding. My father was helping Tony protect the others, Wong behind the both of them. New York was a chaos. The buildings were destroyed. The poeple are panicking. I didn't know what to do.

Steve, Natasha and Bruce were nowhere to be found. Ever since the Civil War that happened, I never saw them again. Of course, I didn't agree on the war so I took no side to fight for.


Loki was sweating. He stood up from the ground with the tesserect in his hand. Looking at someone. It was to Dusty for me to see. I called out for Loki, yelled his name, but to no avail, he kept on raising his hand.

As I got nearer, I saw someone. Someone rather... dangerous. I was getting closer and closer, but the surroundings became darker and darker. I wanted to reach out for Loki, but I couldn't  I couldn—


I was awoken by a voice so dear to my heart. I looked at the side of the bed to see Loki, looking worried and nervous as he'll ever be. "What happened? You kept breathing deeply and then when I turned to you, you stopped breathing completely."

I looked at him in shock. I almost died because of a nightmare. How hilarious could that possibly be? I shook my head. Nightmares. I only get them ever so often. Just then, I heard someone call my name out, someone in my head.


It was Thomas. I stood up and quickly wore pants, a shirt and a jacket. Slippers were my only choice for I was in a hurry. Loki growled and pulled my wrist. "You can't just leave me without any explanation." I sighed and placed the palm of my hand on his cheek, him completely melting at my touch. I leaned closer and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'll come back. I promise I will. Just... just stay here and wait for me. I need to know anwers. Escuse me." Without any other words, without thinking, I teleported and went to Earth-616. As I did, I called out for Thomas.

"Y/n." A worried voice behind me whispered. I turned around to see Thomas, with Jeaden beside him. Thomas ran towards me and hugged me tightly. "What happened? Why did I dream of that?"

Thomas sighed and took my hands in his, staring deep in my eyes. "Death betrayed us. She yearned for more power and destruction, she made an alliance with Thanos... to... destroy earth." I gasped. No. Death can't do this to me, to us. No.

"What? So... that wasn't a dream? That was a..." Thomas nodded. "A warning. A clear vision of the future. I have the other information, Y/n. We can change the future. We can save the world. Thanos will try get the Infinity Stones. Our stones. We started this, we will end this."

Somebody cleared their throat. I looked behind Thomas and saw Jaeden crossing his arms with a frown. "I don't want to do this, but I'm entropy. I should be the one causing Chaos. You and my dad should be the one balancing them. Death... she just doesn't understand the importance of balance. I still hate you, but right now, our main priority is death. We have to help each other out."

I was surprised at what he said. Wow. He's smart for his age. Oh wait, he is old. He just looks young because he's in his human form. I took a deep breath before nodding.

"What do we do?"


I arrived back at the sanctum, only to be greeted by a worried looking husband and an angry looking father. "What do you think you're doing?" My father asked sternly. "Going back to sleep 'cause I'm tired." Wow Y/n. Way to go. You just had to be sarcastic in a very serious situation. Really?

"You think that's funny? You had a dream of the future. I knew. I was in my astral form and I entered your dream. Where did you go? and what is this thing that Loki told me about you teleporting without your sling ring? Are you hiding something from me?" I almost fainted at how angry my dad was.

"I think you deserve an explanation." I gulped as I teleported the three of us back in Kamar-Taj. My dad looked surprised and Loki... still looked worried. I told them to sit and started explaining everything about me being a Cosmic Entity, Infinity and everything else.

"You're telling me that you, my daughter, is the long lost entity, namely Infinity?" I nodded. Loki's eyes widened and I swear I heard him mumble under his breath, 'Oh My Valhalla. I married a Cosmic Entity.'

My father pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a deep sigh. "You're not saving the world alone are you?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. You, The Avengers, The Guardians of The Galaxy and a few other heroes will. Me, my brother and nephew will just be there to make sure no one dies. We will risk everything. No matter what happens."

I swore that I saw a tear fall down on dad's cheek, but he already wiped it away and sighed again. "Alright. Let me just call Tony and Steve. I heard there was something rough that happened after the Civil War they did. This has to be fixed."

I nodded. I walked towards a nearby window and looked at the people walking by. Some looked so happy, some had no expressions, some looked worried about something. I knew at that point that I'm willing to risk everything to save them, even my life. After a long silence, Loki asked, a hint of worry still in his voice, "What do we do now?" I looked at him with determination before looking at my father one last time before closing my eyes.

"Assemble The Avengers."

A/n: Guys, it was a long journey for all of us. It's April 24 2018 today and tomorrow will be Infinity War. Sadly, this will be the end of the book. BUT WAIT! Don't be sad or mad yet. I might still continue this. That depends if Loki dies in Infinity War or not. Either way, should I still continue this book?



Well, it's for you to choose. I will continue this book if many of you will agree to. For now, I will mark this book as completed while I await your response. Check out my newt Scamander x reader too! I love you all. I hope you liked this book, if you did, re-read it, punch every vote button in the face and DESTROY THE COMMENTS SECTION! LIKE A BOSS!!! and high fives all 'round. *wapoosh* *wapoosh* but thank you guys, gals and non-binary pals for reading this book! I will see you all IN THE NEXT ONE!!! (if there's any) PEACE OUT!!! BYERZZZZZ!!!!

P.S. The picture at the very top is my broken watch. I don't want to fix it because I feel literally like Doctor Strange's daughter by wearing it. Awesome.


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