♦Tom Hiddleston and Benebatch Cumberdict?♦

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||YOUR P.O.V||

"So... you're saying that  my husband and father also has a look alike in the other universe where maguc and powers doesn't exist?"

"Yep." Cylester nodded. "And they're actors there?" I added, making Cylester nod in agreement again.

We were talking about the alternate universe that I entered yesterday. I was very curious about it (although I made sure to not visit my look alike ever again) and had to know more.

"Ok.. can I g—" I was cut off my Cylester snapping her fingers then all of a sudden, I was in a beautiful mansion that looked so... magestic. I looked from left to right.

This looks like a place the Tony would live in.

"I know, Thomas but—" I heard a voice say. I looked behind me and saw two good-looking men (who looks exactly like my father and husband but with different haircuts) looking at me with surprise. I gulped and gave out a nervous smile.

"Ugm... I swear I'm not a robber or anything. I just got teleported in the wrong place and in the wrong time." They looked at each other before trying to run to the door behind them.

I snapped my fingers and they were back in front of me, eyes wide and mouth agape. "What... what just happened?" Loki— er kinda, asked

"I have no idea. Maybe there were drugs in the drink we had earlier, or maybe we're too drunk right now." Dad— well, look alike Dad replied. I shook my head and sat on the sofa near the three of us. "You're not drunk neither are you drugged. This is real. I'm here. I just... Well, I need to erase your memories not don't I? Dangnabbit."

I started approaching Loki- look alike but he staggered to get away. "Woah. Ugm, perhaps we can make an agreement, Miss..." He stopped for me to say my name. I just realized that and smirked.

"Y/n. Y/n... Strange." Well, let me explain. When Loki and I got married, we both agreed that Strange would be our surname. He needed a little convincing but gave in anyways. My father was delighted when he heard the news.

"Wait.. Like... Doctor Strange's daughter?" Dad- look alike laughed, thinking it was a joke. I looked at him, unamused. He stopped laughing then started to frown. "You have got to be kidding me right?"

I shook my head. I opened a portal beside me and gestured for them to enter. "Please, this way, I'll explain everything to you once we settle down." Loki- look alike entered first and then Dad. I checked around the place, making sure that no one saw anything, then followed them inside.

When we all sat down the wooden chairs, tea was on the table, I started explaining everything. I just really hope that they won't share this information with other people.

"So... you're saying that you're married to Loki?" Tom —I learned was his name, clarified. I nodded. "Magic and Sorcery are real?" Benedict, my dad- look alike, asked. I nodded once again, sipping my hot cup of tea before looking at the two frazzled men.

"Well, that's... good, I guess?" Tom cringed. Wow. I'm starting to think that this was a bad idea. "All I want you both to do is to never tell anyone about what happened here today." I sternly said.

"Or I could just delete your memories." I added. Ben choked on his tea and shook his head. "No Ugm... We will keep this secret from everybody in this world." I smirked. It was funny to see my father so vulnerable... and hot.

"So, tell me about you guys." I said after a long awkward silence. They looked at each other before coughing awkwardly. "Well, I'm Benedict Cumberbatch and This is Tom Hiddleston as we said earlier." Ben said.

His name was still so confusing. Benebark Cumberdog? Beneduck Cumberquack? Benedolphin Cumberbutt? Butternut Crinklefries? What?!?

"We both are actors. We currently finished the taking for Infinity War and—" "What Infinity War?" I asked, curious. This could happened to our world, mostly because, all the movies (Well, Marvel movies) that is being made happens in my world.

"Well, In the movie, Lo—" "Spoilers!!!!" Ben suddenly yelled, cutting Tom off. Tom looked at him with a weird expression I couldn't read before looking back at me. "Just... be with Loki, Steve, Vision and Wanda everytime. Make sure that they're safe." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"How am I supposed to be in many places at the same time?!?" Ben shrugged. "Well, can you clone yourself?" I shook my head no. "Alright. maybe I can't be in many places at once, but I can put all those people in one place where I can protect them." I murmured to myself.

"That's a great idea." Tom nodded. Ben looked at his watch before standing. "We have to go. I have a wife waiting for me back home. you too Tom. You have your dog waiting for you." Ben teased, making me almost die out of laughter.

"Alright." I teleported us back to the mansion. "It was nice meeting you both. Also, remember your promise. If you break it, I'll make sure to hunt you both down." I joked, making the both of them smile. "You can trust us Y/n. Thank you." I nodded before returning to my universe.



"Dad, I was just visiting—"



"Nope. Go back to the sanctum and tell your husband everything that happened. Oh, and you're grounded."

I growled and returned back to the sanctum with a string of murmurs following me. I entered Loki and I's room, seeing him reading a book on our bed and told him everything that happened.


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