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               ♠YOUR P.O.V

I woke up with a hug smile. I still remember the memories of me and Christine eating Ice Cream together at the mall. I don't know why but.. I have this feeling inside. Every time I see Christine, My blood jumps. I don't really know why.

Anyways, I'm currently in the living room with Bruce. Everyone else is asleep tired from their dates yesterday.

"Bruce, have you seen Loki?" I asked. Bruce looked up from the magazine he was reading and said, "No. Not really. I thought he arrived yesterday."

My eyebrow raised. "No. I looked at his room and it was empty. I even thought he was just waiting here." I said with a hint of worry in my face.

Bruce sensed it and tried to calm me down. "Hey, It'll be alright okay? He's fine. Loki is probably making his way back home." I sighed. "Thanks Bruce." I said.

"No worries. Anyways. I'll go outside for a bit. I'll come back later. Bye." Bruce said, but before he left, he said, "And don't worry. I'm pretty sure Loki's just fine."

I really hope so....

       (-_-) BRUCE'S P.O.V (-_-)

I can sense that Y/n is really worried for Loki. I went out to have some fresh air. I have been lately busy on my lab.

I still don't trust Loki. I fell like he's just using Y/n for something. He must be planning something bad and...

Speaking of the Devil..

I saw Loki on a nearby tree holding hand to hand with another woman. What angered me the most was that the fact that he kissed that woman's lips!

Sigh... I knew this would happen. I started to feel dizzy. I saw my skin slowly turning green. I stopped and sat on a nearby bench and breathed. When I was calm enough, I looked back at the place where I saw Loki and the woman.

They were not there anymore. I need to tell Y/n. I ran as fast as I could back to the tower, when I arrived, only Clint was on the living room, which means Y/n must be on her room.

   (★3★) CLINT'S P.O.V (★3★)

I wonder what Natasha is doing...

I snapped out of my thoughts when Bruce ran in front of me breathing heavily. "Hey Banner, what's up?" (A/n: the sky lol. No? Okay then...) I asked.

"Loki. He's what's up." Bruce replied. I stood up. "Loki? What about him?" I asked getting more curious. Bruce sat down and exhaled heavily. "I saw her with another woman. He seemed to be happy with her. She even kissed her on the lip." Bruce said turning a but green.

My fist tightened. "He can't even kiss Y/n on the lips! That jerk!" I yelled and punched the nearby wall which was an inch behind me.

"I'm going to tell Y/n." Bruce said and started to walk to Y/n's room. "Woah woah woah, Slow down Big guy! You are not telling her anything." I said while blocking his way.

"And why not?" He ask looking at me with anger. "Because If you tell her, she'll be broken! She's broken enough Bruce! Let her know by herself. It's better that way." I explained.

Strange Love// Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now