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Taehyung POV

I carried a very sleepy Jungkook to the hotel that we all were staying at. He leaned his head on my shoulder and breathed softly on my neck.

I only need to give him one more dose and the drug will take full effect.

He'd basically be me but in his own adorable ways.

I walked into the room and laid him down. All of them were so ready to scream at me for being 2 hours late.

What? I'm not very punctual when it comes to these kinds of things.

I snickered when I saw all their expressions after I tucked Kook into bed and kissed him goodnight.

"Oh you didn't know I could be nice?"

"Yah Kim Taehyung. G-Dragon has some allies in police. It's gonna make this mission 10x harder."

"A cop or two won't change anything."

"No it's Taeyang. Part of Bigbang?"

I gasped when I realized why the police part was important.

"Continue as planned."

"Are you serious?"

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"N-No... when are we starting all this?"

"Tomorrow night."

They all went to their rooms after we made the entire plan and perfected it. I looked at Jungkook's arms and legs and saw no new cuts. I was happy that this drug was actually working.

It's either that or he doesn't have anything to self harm with.

This G-Dragon bitch is gonna die soon.

I hate him for what he did.

Made me that monster under the bed.

I was always terrified of those.

I became what I feared most.

Thanks a lot.

I was ripped out of my thoughts by Jungkook who had just woken up.

"W-What happened?"

"We're in Busan now baby."

"Great. I want food. I'm hangry." Kook whined like a child.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"I'll eat food... duh." He laid his head on my lap.

I stroked his hair and he sighed in content.

"You never did tell me that story of yours."

"Which one?" He asked me.

"The one when you first became a cop."

"That's a really long story. I'll tell you after the whole mission thing." I nodded.

"Where did your sister go after you killed your father?" I never did tell him that.

"She just ran off to her boyfriend and forgot I existed. I think she's in the States right now. Don't know don't care."

"I haven't self harmed in a while."

"I can tell but why haven't you?"

"Cause if I was on a mission and I had fresh cuts, the enemy would know my weakness and would attack me or you."

I thanked God on the inside.

"You still wanna sleep or do something else?" I smirked.

"I will definitely do something else." He giggled and pushed me down. He smashed our lips together and I pushed my tongue into his mouth.

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