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Taehyung POV


I won't have to be alone ever again.

I'll make sure he stays with me forever.

"Yah!" I heard Jungkook call me which snapped me out of my thoughts about what I could do with him.

"Huh? What happened?"

"Help me!"

"With what?"

"I don't know what to wear since we're going somewhere." He pouted.

"Awww~ Here I'll help my baby." I said and walked over to the closet.

I looked through everything until I found an oversized black hoodie with ripped black jeans to match.

I forced him to put it on and started to pick everything up.

As he walked out, I froze.

He was the most adorable thing on this planet.

I fixed his hair a little and smiled darkly at him

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I fixed his hair a little and smiled darkly at him.

"Thank you daddy." He sounded like a child.


I gave him a quick peck before I went to make a phone call.

"Go eat breakfast Kook. I'll be there in a few." He went downstairs and I made sure my room door was locked.

Or so I thought.

I dialed his number and waited.

"Did you find him?"

"Yes but there is a complication."


"CSI is after him."

"Bring him to me as soon as you find him."

"Alright but sir? Why do you want him if you already have Jungkook?"

"Cause I need to see who is stronger out of the 2 to determine who can stay with me."

"We'll send him in as soon as we can catch him." I cut the phone and sighed.

"Who are you talking about?" I turned around and screamed internally.

"It's nothing you should worry about."

"Well Mr Kim fucking Taehyung, it involves me so you better use the mouth God gave you to explain what exactly you were talking about." He snapped.

"Look Jungkook, you'll find out later today. And you aren't gonna ask anymore questions about this topic are you?" I stared right into his eyes and towered over him.

"N-No." He looked down.

"Good." I walked out of the room, leaving him there.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard Namjoon and Jin arguing. I paused and listened to them.

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