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Jungkook POV

I turned around to see Taehyung smiling creepily to his phone.

"Tae... why are you smiling like that?" I asked as I looked at him

"When and where do you want the next mission?"

"Anytime anywhere."

"Well then let's tell the others to pack their bags. We're going to Busan since I have some enemies looking for me there. I have a very special assignment for you."

"Busan?! I haven't been there in years."

I smiled at Tae who gladly smiled back. He held my hand and drove off back to base as usual.

"Hey Kookie? You haven't done any self harming since the last time I gave you... a medicine."

"Nope I think Yoongi hyung took my blades away. And I don't have any more eating suppressants since Hoseok hyung took them from me. Jimin, Jin and Namjoon hyung hid any lighters from me so I don't have anything to self harm with. And I ain't using my knives cause I need them for missions." I saw him sigh in relief.

I'm sorry Taehyung.

But you can't know.

The voices control me.

I only follow what you say on a mission.

Otherwise it's hello voices.

And they aren't that bad.

They tell me whats right and whats wrong.

"No they don't."

"They tell you to lie to your lover and lie about any of your habits apparently."

"W-What are you even talking about?"

"You just mumbled everything you said aloud without realizing it. So now I know what to do. Don't worry Kook. You'll be okay, I promise." I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead.

We walked out to some abandoned park at the edge of the city. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bench. I sat down next to him and leaned onto him. He continued holding my hand and stroked my hair.

I wanted to submit to Tae but I couldn't go through that again.

That man was just abusive after I submitted the last time. So my mind keeps telling me to not submit unless I want to be abused.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tae who had rolled up my sleeve.

"Liar." Tae said and ran his hand along some fresh cuts I had made last night.

I tried not showing any emotion when he pressed into a few cuts.

He continued to press until blood slowly seeped out. My expression didn't change. If it changed, then Tae would be disappointed in me and I can't have that. I have to be like him.

Pain should become something I'm used to.

"Finally. It's actually working." He said and licked any blood that ran down my wrist.

But this was just a distraction.

He got out a needle and quickly put some drug in me.

I was still phased from the first one that I didn't even notice the second.

My vision became blurry and cleared up a few seconds later. Tae gave me a water bottle and I took it.

But what if this has some drug in it to?

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