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Imma do these next few chapters as Taehyung's POV cause it's flashbacks but it will also show Jungkook's POV before he fell in love with Taehyung (❤️❤️❤️❤️) Now Readdddddd:)

Taehyung POV

I was stuck in this hell for 2 months and Jungkook continued to ask me all these questions that could have me killed if I answered differently than what my file says.

He usually shows up every single evening at 8:02 PM but it's almost 9 and he hasn't shown up.

I focused on what was happening outside and I heard crying. Just than, he walked in.

"H-Hey." His eyes were slightly puffier than usual and the bags under his eyes were clear. He was wearing long sleeves but usual wore short sleeves. His hair was a mess and he looked like he was gonna cry again.

I also had noticed covered up bruises on his neck and jawline.

"Umm hi? What happened to you?"

"Nothing you should worry about." He gave me a small yet fake smile and grabbed the file on the desk. He sat next to me on the floor and sighed.

"Well I should worry since you are helping me? Just talk to me."

This is all part of the plan, right?

"I can deal with it. Let's just finish up here and I... I'll go h-home."

"How old are you Kookie?"

"17, why?"

"Do you still live with your parents?" He mumbled something under his breath but I heard it.

I don't think they're parents if they abuse you.

"Yeah and I'm happy with them." He blinked back tears.

"Liar." He gripped the file tightly.

"Who did you work for 3 years ago?"

"Big Hit but they already went down. Now talk to me and tell me what's wrong." I said in a surprisingly calm voice.

And this time I wasn't thinking about ways to kill him and watch him suffer.

It's just for him to trust me.

There aren't feeling involved right?

Then why am I even concerned.

"Does everything count as an answer?"

I stayed quiet and pulled him close. I laid his head on my chest and ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. I felt him breathing heavily.

"It's okay I'm right here." I whispered in his ear. Slowly one by one, the tears fell from his eyes. He gripped onto me tightly as if I was his life line.

"Who did this to you?"

"My family... they uh abuse me and shit but I can't leave cause I don't have anyone anymore and I can't handle it anymore. On top of that I had a breakdown in front of them and my dad yells at me saying I'm stupid and worthless and my cousin try's to calm him down by saying stop you know what he has and it's like their saying I have a fucking disease or something." He cried and cried and I suddenly felt angry.

"When I get outta here I'll make them pay okay? They won't hurt you after I'm done with them." He nodded his head and stayed close to me.

His sleeve fell a bit and I saw cuts. Old and new. By new I mean all of them were still bleeding.

In Love With A PsychopathWhere stories live. Discover now