The Party

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-Spike's POV-

I couldn't believe I am standing in front of the great and powerful Crystal's home, actually I got lost on the way here but all the music kinda gave it away. I knew I couldn't go with Chad even though I'll probably be seeing him there, so I just went with Davi, just as friends though.

"Hey Spike," Davi said flashing me a big smile and walking up to me.

"Sup' let's go in and meet some boys," I said as we both chuckled and walked towards her house. There was a man standing beside the door looking everywhere, I think he was a bouncer seeing how one person handed her invite to him to get in.

"So we give these to him?" I asked Davi, showing our invites. He nodded and we gave the guy the tickets, walking straight into the mother of all parties.

"Huh what do we do now?" I asked looking around, I tried to find Chad but it was useless seeing only a sea of people.

"I honestly don't know," Davi said walking to the backyard... Without me.

Just great. I thought to myself sighing. I can't believe that after he convinced me to go with him he just leaves me all alone like this. I sighed again and went over to the water stand and got myself a glass, it's not like there'd be alcohol in here, after all it's watched over by the cops. While drinking the last sip of water, I reached over to get another glass when a tall muscular man stood over me. I've never seen him before, or anyone as pretty as him for all that matter. He was tall, muscular, tan, with green eyes, and light brown hair.

"Whats a guy like you standing here all alone?" He asked, only to reveal his sexy deep voice.

"Oh alright, I get it, make fun of the gay," I said sarcastically, getting another glass of water. After getting back up and taking a sip, I saw his slight smirk.

"You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"I wanted to talk to you so you could dance...with me cuz' I'm gay," he said holding out his hand, by now I was chocking on my water, washing it down with a huge gulp.

"Did I surprise you that much?" He said with a chuckle.

"Yeah of course you did," I said taking his hand and going to where everyone else was dancing. I tried dancing with him but I couldn't bring myself to move to his 'showy' dance moves.

"Loosen up a bit," he said taking my hands into his and forcing me to dance. I blushed a little realizing we kinda look like a couple, even though I don't even know this guys name.

"Sorry, I don't exactly like loud places," I said under my breath so he couldn't hear. But even after saying it so quietly he got the message, and took my hand and dragged me to the balcony where it was much more quiet.

"Thanks," I said smiling a bit.

"No problem," he said making me and him sit down on the edge together.

"Whats your name?" I asked.


"I'm Spike."

"Cool name!" Another random guy said sitting next to me, making everything fifty times awkward. Now I was in the middle. Next to two people that I just met. Great. Just great.

"His name is Chris by the way, he's my buddy," Raven said as Chris put his arm around me.

"You're pretty cute, good job Raven!" Chris said smiling at my bright red face.

"You're gonna scare him off!" Raven teased as I was still sitting there... Dumb-struck that both of these hot guys were talking to me.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" Chris energetically said to me.

Starts With A Simple Kiss (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ