Lets meet the band

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In case you guys didn't know I REACHED 100 VIEWS!!! Which isn't much compared to some people but still it's pretty awesome!

Special shout out to PlayingWithFire, I asked her to review my story because I read her review story (which was amazing ). She so far reviewed chapter 1, and I hope she will review more of it :-) Even if she doesn't I'm still grateful.

Also check out her user, I read her story At Dusk, which is a twilight spin off. (Highly recommended for everyone to read).

Now I shall continue,


"Boo," I said weakly at Spike waking him up.

"I don't get scared that easy you know," Spike said trying his hardest to get out of the bed.

"You need help?" I asked him, getting up myself and carrying Spike to the kitchen.

"I love you," Spike said out of nowhere as I prepared waffles.

"Love you to babe, when do you have to get to your band practice? I think my mom and dad are at work, so we can have the whole house to ourselves." I asked.

"I have to go in 3 hours so we still have time, you can come to the rehearsal if you want, were preparing for an interview with the big record producer," He said as i brought him his plate of waffles.

"Yeah, i'll come. Are you going to do a cover for something or are you actually going to sing your own songs," I said taking a bite of an apple that was in a bowl.

"Were just going to do a cover and if they want to hear more we will do our own song," He said taking a huge bite of a waffle.

"What song are you singing, and why didn't you ever tell me about this till' now?" I asked him getting kinda angry.

"Well you never seemed to care about the band and you never asked about them until now," He said finishing his plate of waffles.

"How do you eat that fast?" I asked him as he brought the plate to the sink.

"I wanted to spend more time with you," He said blushing at his own words.

"I can't say the same for you," I said teasingly as he slapped me on the arm.

"you know, sometimes you can be a pain in the ass," He said walking over to me and kissing me gently on the lips. My phone then rang and I had to excuse myself to get it.

"What?" I said to Nate who was on the other line.

"Um... Is this Jay." Nate said nervously.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked him annoyed.

"Well, I was sorta wondering if you would like to, umm. You know what never mind, wrong number," He said as I returned to Spike.

"It was Nate," I said as Spike let out a deep sigh.

"Anyone can tell that he likes you," He said as I shook my head.

"Your just being paranoid, can I go and meet the band now. PLEEEEASE!?" I said.

"Fine," Spike mumbled as he got some clothes to put on. We raced to his house, which was only a couple roads from mine, so by the time we got there we were both sweaty and panting.

A tall guy with wild light brown hair opened the door, "Spike, your early for once!" The guy said as I followed Spike inside. Spike then went to the basement and waited for the other guys.

"Is this your boyfriend?" The guy said putting drum sticks in his pockets.

"Yeah, he wanted to meet you guys." Spike answered.

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