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Haylee's POV

I got up and checked my phone for my boyfriend to give me my usual good morning text... But it wasn't there this time. I mean... Was he still mad about last night? All I did was cancel a stupid date, it's not like I ruined the whole relationship, we've only dated for like... 5 days anyway.

A couple hours pass and still no text from him. Wait... Should I text him? No, I'd seem desperate. I'll text Alexia instead!

Me: ALEEEXXXIAAAAA!!! Wake up u lazy bum!!!

*2 minutes later*

Alexia: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT you just awoken the BEAST.

Me: He didn't give me my morning text like he usually does...

Alexia: U woke me up cuz of tht -_-


Alexia: Fiiiiiiiiiine.... Just go talk to him... Or somethin

Me: OK :3 thank uuuuuu

Alexia: just never wake me up again -_-

Me: I prooooomise XC

I then closed the conversation with her and went to my conversation with him <3

Me: hey babe :3 <3 good morning

*18 minutes later*

Me: babe?

*29 minutes later*

Me: babe....

*42 minutes later*

Me: I'm breaking up with you....

OH ME GEEEEEERD did I really just do that!?!? Did. I. Really. Push. Send. Wait.... WHO CARES! Im free again! I can go out and talk to guys, I can wear whatever I want, I can MINGLE!!!! And I can talk to that cute guy in class........... Oh my gosh he's so hawt. Elijah...

Wait I have his kik. I can text him whenever the hell I want!

Me: Hey der :3

Elijah: oh hai :3

Me: So like... My bf was being a total jerk face and like.... Dumped me :'(

Elijah: oh I'm sorry, who would dump you though... you're so beautiful.

Me: wait you really think so?

Elijah: yeah... Of course I do I mean I am your :X

Me: am ur what?

Elijah: nothing....

Me: nuuuu tell me please???

Elijah: Haylee...

Me: yesssssss.....

Elijah: just come to my house >~< here's my address :FWD ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS

Me: okay........

Elijah: yeah xP

I quickly put on random things that look like they match and ran over to his house. I knocked on the door hesitantly...

"Oh hey Haylee..." Elijah said opening the door quickly. So quick that I could tell he was waiting by the door the whole time.

"Oh hey..." I said awkwardly scratching on the back of my neck.

"Oh... Hey," he said awkwardly again.

"Sooooo. What do you wanna talk about???" I asked curiously.

"" He started leaving a silence afterwards.

"Umm?" I said curiously.

"Well I was just thinking for a while, and umm...." He said stopping again mid-sentence. In my mind I'm thinking "OH MY GOSH JUST FRIKIN TELL ME YOU LIKE ME THEN KISS ME... YOU'RE LIKE... SO OBVIOUS! Or... Don't cuz it's like... cute :3 HURRY UP THO..."

"Well I was wondering if you would go out with me??? I mean if you want-" he started right before I leaned in to kiss him. He leaned in too because soon his lips were pressed against mine, we both quickly pulled away and both were blushing like mad.

"I-is that a yes???" He said still having a major blush attack.

"Yes," I said smiling. Elijah was a tall, pale guy with dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, NO MUSCLE, and lastly he had a ton of freckles.

"Ooh~ haha... This has been nice," he said blushing, pushing his dirty blonde hair back.

"Haha~ it has..." I said awkwardly.

"So like... See you tommorow? Haha~ my family is probably watching us right now... So to freak them out you should say 'NO I DONT WANNA DO THAT BABE~THATS DISGUSTING' just a lot louder," he said with a wink.

"I DONT WANNA DO THAT BABE~THATS DISGUSTING!!!" I screamed giving him a fake slap and leaving with a wink. I could see his parents behind him running up to him to see if he was okay.

-The next day at school -

"Hai there!" I said energetically walking up to the seat were Elijah was sitting.

"Hai der!" He said patting my head and making me sit next to him...........

And it all went from there <3


Hai guys!

I know I haven't posted in a while but I really wanted to make a story for my friend

(Haylee) who has a crush on dis guy (Elijah)


Well... Anyway I'm actually planning to post a rated R book on here... (Sister, brother)

So.... Haha xD

Have fuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn reading this cx

And Haylee will probably be freaking out because of this <3

Anyway..... Sorry for not posting in.... A month >.<

I will make up for it!

Have a terrific day :3

And no.... This doesn't count towards the main story

Happy St.Patricks day!

Starts With A Simple Kiss (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن