Ethans POV

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I woke up with my older brother screaming, "GET UP YOU GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL!" In my ear.

"Fine." I mumbled getting up and getting dressed. I put on my plain black tee that Alexia likes, some random jeans, my two black earrings, and converse. I got up and walked to school.

"Hey!" I shouted to Alexia until I got close to her and put my arm around her. Were both always early so we just wait for the door to open.

"Hi." She said looking down so I couldn't see her face.

"What up with you?" I asked her sliding my hand so it was at the side of her arms so she could face me.

"Nothing, just seeing Logan kinda freaked me out." She said half smiling... I love it when she does that.

"Ooh... Yeah, he had a lot of nerve to challenge me like that yesterday," I said smiling.

"Yeah... You won for sure by the way," she said chuckling.

"Awesome." I replied feeling awesome.

"By the way, do you have that math homework done from yesterday?" I asked he realizing I forgot to do it because I was too busy listening to the latest BOTDF songs because I remembered how Alexia liked that band.

"Yeah, did you forget to do it?" She asked me already knowing what I was gonna say.

"Yeah... Can I copy off yours?" I asked her realizing my hands were still on her so I let go.

"Sure," she said looking through her messy backpack and handing me the piece if paper.

"I love you," I said biting my lip.

"Love you too," she said zipping her backpack. I notice Julia, Alexia's best friend, come up from behind her.

"Hi guys!" She said happily standing next to Alexia.

"Sup," me and Alexia said at the same time.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Alexia asked her taking the words out of my mouth.

"I think I like this guy...." Julia started leaving me and Alexia wondering.

"Please tell." I said interested, still copying Alexia's homework.

"Well, he's in the football team," Julia started smiling, "and his name is Henry." She ended leaving me and Alexia speechless.

"He's dating that blonde cheerleader and wasn't he dating Jay at one point?" Alexia said making a point to Julia.

"I know that, that blonde cheerleader is my sister." Julia said happily.

"Good luck with that," I said rolling my eyes as Alexia elbows me.... in the stomach.

"I'm sure it will work out, you just have to give it al little bit of time." Alexia said through her teeth as I still was in tremendous pain from Alexia's elbow.

"Yeah." I managed to get out of me before the bell rang Julia went away to get to her first class although we still have 20 minutes.

"Ethan!" Alexia mini screamed at me giving me a 'don't do that again' face.

"What!? Your the one who might've broke my stomach with your elbow." I said walking with her inside.

"Your stomach can't break..." She said rolling her eyes.

"It feels like it," I said walking with her to history.

"Sure, well anyways thanks for singing me that song yesterday." She said hesitatingly.

"Ooh... Well I was defending my honor," I said as she scoffed at me. Afterwards we walked into the classroom and the teacher (Miss.Zmith) was sorting through some papers. So me and Alexia pretended like we were looking through are backpacks when we were really texting.

Me: U look cute today.

Alexia: I know. U look sexy ;)

Me: don't I always?

Alexia: Well u sometimes don't....

Me: Like when?

Alexia: like when u wear that polkas dot tee with sponge bob on it.

Me: lolz, I only wore it once on a dare, I'm suprized u remembered it

Alexia: Lolz where did you get it anyway?

Me: My grandma -.-

Alexia: u lost like 3 cool points

Me: u had cool points?

Alexia: well now I do ur @ -3

Me: that's not fair

Me: r u wearing my shirt today?

Alexia: yea u left it @ my place so I washed it, and I couldn't find anything

Me: so u wore it?

Alexia: yes.

Afterwards the teacher started looking at us suspiciously so we both put down our phones and took out our notebooks. We both spent all class time making kissy faces at each other and other chezzy couples stuff <(-_-)

"Who was that Mace guy Julia was talking about at the party?" I asked her getting out of class and going to the next class together.

"Just a friend of mine..." She said smiling at the word 'friend'

"Alright then... I got to go to Wood shop," I said hugging her.

"Kay, I'll see ya' later babe." She said leaving me.


"Hey," I said to Alexia catching up to her.

"Hey," Alexia said holding my hand, both of us slightly blushing.

"Wanna come over to my house today?" I asked her hoping she'd come.

"Sure.... I need to text my dad first," she said pulling out her phone and texting her dad... I find it so cute that she cares what her family thinks ^.^

"I can come, are we walking there?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah, we can walk together," I said looking at her. I noticed what she was wearing, she was wearing my plain black tee (the same one I'm wearing right now), skinny black jeans, and converse. She flat ironed her hair like she usually does since she has curly hair. We small talked until we got to my house. We made our way to my room and of course my brother had to shout, "ETHAN BROUGHT A GIRL OVER!" I quickly locked my door and smiled at Alexia.

"What do you wanna do?" Alexia asked me.

"I don't know what do you wanna do," I said awkwardly... I honestly didn't plan this far, so I smoothly kissed her on my bed. My brother had picked the lock and was watching me and Alexia so we both quickly got up and hoped for the best.

"What are you guys doing?" He said wide-eyed

"Kissing." Alexia said with almost no emotion.

"I'm telling mom!!!" He screamed and told mom.... So uncool. One thing led to another and Alexia had to leave and was never to come to my house again....

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