thirty six

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He let me change in his bedroom, I put some leggings and a tee shirt on running my fingers through my hair

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He let me change in his bedroom, I put some leggings and a tee shirt on running my fingers through my hair.  I felt better, physically.

It really hurt.  Having to remember that when Ives tried all these years to forget it, but it kinda felt nice to speak to someone about him.  I've kept him bottled up, he wouldn't like that.

"Here, baby.", he said placing a bottle of Coke on the table and a bowl of what looked like chicken soup.

I blushed, despite not being in the mood the pet name still gave me chills.  "Thank you, I'm so sorry.  I feel so, so bad.", I sighed, taking a sip of the drink.

"No, no please don't feel bad. If I came off intimidating in any of my texts when we first started talking I didn't mean it. The moment I saw you- yes, I wanted to fuck you in the theater I'll admit... but you're so small and pure it kinda scares me you're with me.", he said and I couldn't help looking at him and his plump lips speaking. Taking in everything he said.


"Well, it's not like everything that goes through my head about you is sex. But at times it does, I'm human- I think of stuff.", he shrugged. "The things I imagine are so nice but then I remember. I get excited, I get dominant, I could hurt you. Not in a good way- I know you have that whole pain thing you like but I mean as easy as texting sounds actually doing it is way different."

"I don't need a sex talk.", I giggled. "Even if we end up having sex and you hurt me, a little laugh off can fix everything. I'll never hold you harming me against you, I know you won't mean it. You're right, you're a person. Not a machine. Things don't always go smoothly, that's perfectly alright- I've never had sex before I have no expectations you need to meet."

"I have expectations set in my head. I actually have a very special scenario planned out- that's why I asked you about the whole role play thing. But I really am scared of hurting you.", he said and I got confused.

I got a small gist of what he meant. "If you're worried about anything hurting me, from your hand to a toy of some sort, I can assure you if something is not comfortable with me I will tell you. Even if I said other wise, I can see how worried you are and I will do my best to tell you if anything bothers me.", I said, coughing ever so often to relieve some of the awkward tension I picked up from saying all that.


The next day was sweet.  I said my hellos to Jin, who then left for a party and all day me and Joon talked. We watched movies- strictly movies we didn't do anything sex related unless holding hands is sexy in some way.

Namjoon stood up, it was almost 10:00pm so I figured he was going to change.  My hand was cold without him but I didn't say that, I watched him leave quietly.

Then I watched him come back, a woman's outfit in hand.  It was a tight short black skirt, a button up blouse, and some nylons in a package with some black heels.

"I want you to wear this, then I need you to run and grab some milk and whatever else you would want from the gas station down the street and come back.", he said, smirking and laying the clothes down.  "Be back in 20 minutes.  Take my car, the keys are on the table."

With that he walked off.  I figure some part of whatever he mentioned yesterday was about to take place, I quickly went to change in the bathroom considering he had went into his room and I heard boxes opening and all sorts of ruckus.

All that flew through my brain was what was I in for?  What was he planning and why was I dressed so formally and mature?  And why are these shoes so damn uncomfortable?

sexting a stranger • kim namjoonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum