I went to the bed and sat down at the edge.

"Hey Jungkook. How are you feeling?"

"Uh Fine I guess?"

"Does your head hurt or anything like that?"

"Not really."

"Well if you get bad headaches you have to take these pills. They control your emotions and can stop the headaches." I recognized the pills immediately.


"Why do I have to take these?"

"Cause your body is still healing. These just speed up the process. But you have to go to a different hospital over the next week for treatment for these headaches." I nodded my head and waited for the doctor to leave.

"Is that seriously the excuse they use for antidepressants now?"

"Don't take the pills."

I yawned and nodded my head.

I laid down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

But there was one thing that stopped me from sleeping peacefully.

Why did they all try to kill me in the past?

Back To The Present

Still Jungkook POV

Taehyung seemed to be lost in his thoughts while we packed our bags to go to Busan.

"Tae? You good?"

"Huh? I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Sure... where are the others?"

"They has a couple more missions but they've already packed. Why?"

I went and locked the room door in case anyone showed up early.

"Cause I wanna have a little bit of fun."

He stayed quiet and threw his head back when I sat on his lap. I kissed and sucked on his neck while un-buttoning his shirt. I threw it off effortlessly and he did the same with mine.

He made brand new hickeys and marks all over my neck and chest. He played with my buds and I moaned in ecstasy.

I was so lost in pleasure that I didn't realize Taehyung started grabbing my neck. He pinned me up to the wall by my throat and held something behind him.

"Well look what I found~" I froze and stopped fighting when I saw my backpack from the prison.

"What do you even want? There's nothing in there."

"Oh really?" He handcuffed me to the bed and opened the bright red bag.

"There's nothing in the bag right? Well how come I see... blades. Knives. Lighters. A bunch of sleeping pills. Guns. And a suicide note." I pulled at the handcuffs, trying to escape.

"I didn't do anything. I swear. How did you even find out about this anyways?"

"Well alcohol does a lot of shit to your brain and that one drug of mine helped a hell of a lot." He smiled and chucked all the self harm stuff into the trash.

"Now let's see who this note was for." He scanned through it and I panicked.

It was all meant for him.

"Awww look. You still love me even after all that shit I put you through. Why is that?"

"Cause you saved me from killing myself before I broke you out of prison. And you've always been there for me and even if you hate me I'll still be there for you." I spoke quickly and hid my face that had an obvious blush on it.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I stared right into his eyes and he looked back with a ridiculous smirk plastered on his face.

"Would you do anything for me?"

I nodded my head. I could feel him smirk even more.

"You have to kill someone."

"Who exactly?"


"But Who is this guy exactly?"

"My ex."

"Was he close to you before I like showed up?"

"Very. He even ended up making me a killer. But he cheated on me. Countless times. Maybe you could for teach him a lesson."

"Gladly. You won't hear much about him after the mission in Busan. Speaking of which where is everyone?"

"About that..." He chuckled nervously.

"They might already be in Busan."

"Wait wait wait. They're already... I'm so fucking done with you right now."

"But I know you love me."

"Yeah right. Let's just go get this over with."

We drove off to the airport with all of our fake ids and weapons. I was still thinking about this G-Dragon Guy.

Why exactly is he so important?

In Love With A PsychopathWhere stories live. Discover now