Fight! Fight! Fight!

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As we walk up to the door, Maddox looks up at the camera and waves. "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo." He calls into the camera. Before I can say anything about him using the quote wrong the door unlocks and two guards appear.

"That's not how you use that," A voice calls from inside the room, "she's asking why he has to be Romeo. Not where he is." She corrects. The guards say something to one another before coming forward and each grabbing one of my arms. I try to pull my arms free, but their grip only tightens as they pull me into the room.

"Wait, she's with me. Please, she only wants to talk." Maddox says, following us into the room. "Kat," he says, turning his attention to her as they force me onto my knees. I feel the barrel of a gun nudge against the back of my head causing me to stiffen. With the two guards holding my arms, the gun against my head, and my lack of training I simply look up to Katoka. She's beautiful, her long black hair flows down her shoulders, her deep blue eyes seem to light up the room, even in her silk pajamas the curves of her body show. The resemblance to Maddox is clear, they have the same facial structure, same nose, and lips. Though Maddox is much taller than her, I don't doubt she could take him in a fight.

"Bile aslan ne dinleneceğini zaman biliyor." I say, trying to sound confident, but judging by Maddox's facepalm I didn't say it right.

"üzgünüm, ne?" She says, a smirk on her face as she lowers herself into her chair, crossing her legs and tilting her head at me. "Did you mean, aslan bile ne zaman dinleneceğini biliyor. Even the lion knows when to rest." She looks away from me to look at her brother. "You should stick to teaching soldiers to fight, not to speak turkish."

"She wants to make peace, even now after we've shot her brother and captured her friends. You told me before we even came here that this is not what you wanted. What would father say if he saw what you have done?" He says to her, this obviously angers her. The smirk she once wore clears her face in a flash as she stands up.

"We will never know because her people killed him. This might not be what I wanted but this is what needs to be done!" She shouts then looks down at me, "kill her." My eyes widen and as I hear the hammer of the pistol getting pulled back. I throw myself back with all my strength, knocking the two guards holding my arms off balance and causing the guard behind me to stumble back. I yank one arm free and throw a punch to one of the guards. I pull the guard still holding my arm closer and send my other elbow crashing into his chin. The third guard shouts from behind me as he goes to kick me, but duck and send a kick straight to his groin.

"Sorry dude." I mumble as he drops to his knees groaning. I quickly get to my feet and turn to the other two guards who are now standing. I glance at Maddox who is being held by another guard, then to Katoka who is watching the fight with a grin.

"Remember what Enzo taught you." Maddox shouts over the guard's shoulder, earning a glare from his sister. Right jab, left cross, right uppercut, kick knee, finishing right lab. The one and only time I will ever be thankful for Enzo's repetition. The guard on the right advances first, throwing a punch to my face causing me to stumble. Focus Mazlynn, they're going to kill you and everyone else if you lose this. I think to myself as I regain the stance Enzo taught. Right jab, left cross. Both blocked effortlessly by the guard as he sends me tumbling to the ground. I quickly roll over and back onto my feet just in time for the other guard to advance connecting her foot with my side, sending me into the chair Katoka was once sitting in. With all the momentum, the chair flips back, knocking the wind out of me as it and I slam into the ground. "Mazlynn get up!" Maddox shouts as I gasp for air. Trust me dude, I'm trying.

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