Trust Issues

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James's POV

I had spent my entire night talking to the old man in the tent with me. He told me about his family and how they had been killed in one of the bombings. We talk about how this place came to be, why Cyrus was so odd, but he didn't give me very many details. He was very skittish when I asked about their first run in with the soldiers, he didn't want to talk about it. Fact of the matter is, I don't trust these people.

I make my way to the fire with everyone else, looking around at the unfamiliar faces. I recognize a few of them from the night before, but know none of their names. I see Cyrus looking my way as I wait in line with the others. He mumbles something to the people he's sitting with before making his way over to me. Most move out of his way when they see him coming, others avoid eye contact, but none of them act anything close to normal. "James! Good morning. Sleep well?" he asks, clapping his hand on my shoulder as I get my sludge from the woman serving breakfast. I thank her before looking back at Cyrus.

"Of course, I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping next to a complete stranger, I can't believe I haven't done it before. I mean I was laying there, freezing my ass off, and his snores were like the voice of an angel leading me from the dark." I reply sarcastically, moving to a log beside the fire to eat.

"Now that's what I like to hear! Someone appreciating what they have been given." He sits next to me with a bowl of his own and smirks. I try my best to ignore him as I continue eating, looking around for Mazy.

"Sir, they're here." A man says, coming up behind Cyrus and I.

"Ah, well James why don't we go talk with your family." He stands up and heads toward the entrance. I quickly give my bowl to the man at the counter before rushing over to my family. They all smile as they see me coming.

"And here he is!" Cyrus says as I walk up. My mother swiftly walks over and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I was so worried about you." She pulls away and kisses my cheek as we join the others who have once again huddled as close as possible in the entrance to Arcton. My brother claps a hand on my shoulder and smirks.

"I didn't think you'd make it. I thought they'd realize how much of a smartass you were and kick you out." He chuckles.

"Where's Mazlynn?" my mother speaks up, stepping into the space next to me.

"She um...she's busy." Cyrus says putting on a tight smile. I feel Nolan tense next to me as I clench my fists. He is still testing us, he wants to know if we will trust his word or not. Nolan and I make eye contact and I shake my head slightly, letting him know to let it go as my father speaks up.

"While we wait for her to," he pauses, choosing his words carefully, "finish up. What exactly is our plan? Train today and tomorrow then start toward their camp?" He asks.

"I'm glad you asked. Well to start, we don't have enough guns to go around as it is. Adam knows a store a couple towns over that sells guns, he thinks it'll be mostly untouched. Those of you who can shoot already will accompany my men and get whatever is there. The rest of you will stay here and learn to shoot. After that we will send your people and a group of our people to take their camp out, while the rest of us stay here and defend against the ones they send after us."

"What about Maya? She shouldn't be here or there." Carla speaks up, clutching the sleeping child. Either place she stayed wouldn't be safe for a child.

"You could stay at the cabins up the road once again. It'll be safe there." Cyrus answers, smiling at her.

"When are your men leaving for the store?" Nolan asks.

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