Boys Will Be Boys

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"By the time we get there it will have been around a week since you were shot. They have probably found the others by now, and are looking for you. So yes, we believe she will open up when she sees you outside the door alive." I say, glancing at Enzo who still holds a look of fury.

"You might be right." Maddox agrees, causing Enzo's eyes to snap to him. He clearly disagrees. "Have you thought about how long the guards rounds are? They're on around 8 minute intervals; are you sure we can get up ten flights of stairs, down the hall and get her to open the door in that time? I would suggest some practice on your end." Maddox says, laying back down and opening his book once again. "It's a good plan, and with a little practice it might just work."

Once I realize he doesn't plan on speaking again I stand up and make my way to the door, "thank you," I pause glancing over at him. His eyes slide off the page and over to me, confusion swimming in them. "For everything I guess," my eyes fall to the floor as I try to figure out where exactly I'm going with this, "trusting us, helping us, and for the explanation of the book." I pause once again and sigh, "I guess I was wrong, some things deserve a second look." I look back up at him to find a smile forming across his face.

"I'm glad I could help, both with this mission and in the opening of your eyes. Have a good night Miss Mazlynn." He says, nodding at me once more before returning to his book once again. I glance at Enzo, confusion written across his face. I send him a small smile before leaving the room.

As I make my way through the halls, heading toward my room, I grow more and more nervous. I try to come up with what I plan on saying, but my mind fails me. I stop in front of my door, what if he was already in there? What do I say? Maybe I should wait- "Mazlynn?" I jump when I feel a hand fall onto my shoulder. Blake holds his hands up and takes a small step back apologizing. "I didn't mean to startle you." He says letting his hands drop to his side. Struggling to find the words to say I simply open the door and step inside, leaving it open for him to follow behind. I keep my back to him as I stop in the middle of the room once the I hear the door close. "I'm not really sure how to start this." He says letting a little chuckle out, "I've spent the last couple weeks trying to find the words to say to try and express how I'm feeling, but they still elude me." He stops once again causing me to turn around. His eyes move from the floor to my face.

"I read To Kill a Mockingbird once in high school. I didn't really like it, it was kind of dark and I only really read it because my grandmother loved it." I glance up at him, "Maddox was reading it just now when I went to talk to him. He uh he explained the underlying message in it, one I had missed. Now that I think back, if I had been thinking about I think I would have enjoyed it more. I always thought that second chances was just someone's way of getting out of what they had done. A form of forgiveness I didn't really accept. Maddox made think about it differently. Sometimes you have to give people or things second chances so you can experience them in a new way, a better way; so you don't miss out on something that could have been great." Blake is listening, but I'm not sure he really understands what I'm saying. "I don't want to miss out on this. Whatever it is or was I don't know, but I do know that I miss it. I know that I loved talking to you, it was just so easy and made me forget about all of this bullshit. I miss that, I miss you." A smile forms across his face as he slowly takes a couple steps closer.

"I," he starts, but shakes his head closing the distance between us. He cups my face with his hands and pulls me onto my tip toes as he leans down and connects our lips. I melt into the kiss, gripping his shirt as my eyes flutter closed. After what feels like an eternity we pull away, I open my eyes to find his still closed and a smile on his face. He opens his eyes just as someone knocks on the door, causing us both to sigh. I drop my hands from his shirt and move to the door.

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