Clearing the Air

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Sage finally speaks up, breaking the silence, "alright enough of this bullshit. We are putting everything out on the table. Everyone in this room has lied to someone at some point okay? But those people in the other room count on us to push past this shit and get the job done. Blake, whether you like it or not, Enzo is a part of our group now. He's helping us and you are going to have to learn to live with that. Enzo, you can't walk around like you own the damn place. You fucked Mazy, we got it, she doesn't want to fuck you again. Move on." I lower my head a little to avoid anyones eye contact and pray for her little speech to end. "We are done talking about this, next time either of you fight someone it better be the enemy and not a member of this group. Now that that's settled, Alec found a building in town that's the same number of floors as the one Katoka is in. We can use it to practice in. Get you shit and meet outside in 5 minutes." She says before walking out of the room leaving the rest of us kind of shocked.

I quickly follow, hoping to avoid questions, I jog up to the room I've been using and slide into my shoes, throw on a hoodie, and grab my gun before making my way downstairs. I notice Maddox waiting at the front door, but no one else is around. His head perks up when he notices me and sadness floods his finely sculpted features. "I was hoping I would catch you, I can't help but feel responsible for Mr. Petrovs actions." He starts as I approach him. I hear my name get called and turn to see Nolan and my father, who looks furious.

"Uh, let's walk and talk." I say and make my way out of the building, Maddox hot on my heels.

"You can't ignore them forever, especially Nolan. He's coming on this mission too, no?" He wonders, but quickly realizes I'm not going to reply to that. He clears his throat and returns to the previous topic, "when you left, Mr. Petrov asked me for advice. He had already shared part of you predicament with me, but sadly he left out a few key details, which your nurse, Carla I believe, kindly filled me in on. I gave a bit of bad advice and suggested he go and try to talk things out with you, sadly one of the details I was missing was that he already had tried that. So for my part in the disagreement that occurred, I would like to offer my deepest apologies." Maddox finishes, watching me with hopeful eyes.

"It's okay, Enzo probably would have done that anyway. There's just a little more drama going around than I expected in the apocalypse." Nolan walks outside just as our little conversation comes to an end and nods the side, expecting me to join him over there. I am starting to get a little tired of people pulling me aside.

"I'm not asking Mazlynn." Nolan says, noticing my stubborness. With a roll of the eyes and a sigh, I make my way over to Nolan, who is clearly not pleased. "So it's true then? Mazlynn you are eighteen years old, not only is he god knows how old, but he's also the fucking enemy." I don't know why he pulled me aside, he's talking so loud everyone else can hear as well.

"I'm actually nineteen, my birthday would have been last week." I can tell my little correction did nothing but make him angry, but I put my hand up letting him know I'm not finished. "Either way I am an adult and I can make my own decisions. If you really wanna talk about it we can. It was when we were going to rescue Sam, I thought I was about to die. I thought I was going to watch my family and friends die, so yeah I slept with Enzo; twice actually. I didn't want to be scared anymore, and for a little while I wasn't. I don't regret it, but I'm not doing it again. I don't judge you for your choices in life, I expect the same from you."

"If you were scared why didn't you come talk to me? I would have stayed up all night talking if you wanted to. Mazy, that's what James and I are here for, we are your brothers we are suppose to protect you and make you feel safe. How do you think that makes us feel? You didn't trust us to help you?" I can't even look at his eyes anymore, there's so much hurt in them.

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