Lies Come to Light

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Sage has us practically running back to the camp which, while annoying and exhausting, gets us back before the second night. The sun set hours ago leaving us to briskly walk in the dark, not that that bothered Sage. I had tried to talk to Blake about last night, but once again Sage came up and interrupted us. The only thing keeping me from falling asleep was Enzo constantly asking me questions to distract me.

"What do you miss the most?" He asks, turning to me once again. His last couple questions had been more silly, but like everything else in my life this took a turn and crash landed in the realm of serious. "Like from before, and don't say something wimpy like television."

"I don't know...people?" I pause thinking about what it would be like if this hadn't happened. If President Westbrook hadn't pissed the wrong people off. It's saturday, I'd probably with friends. Complaining about the test I took the week before, talking about our latest crush, throwing a pillow at James when he tries to steal some of the buffet of food we had laid out. Someone other than sprinting back to a refugee camp in the dark of night. "Is everything an answer?" He pauses for a second before looking ahead. I glance up and see the gates of Arcton just over the hill. "Finally, I don't think I could have made it much farther." I say, adding a small chuckle.

We finally walk through the gates to find most everyone fast asleep and the fire which is usually burning bright in the center of camp, reduced to ashes. With how tired I am, I can't muster up the energy to really care. I say goodnight to everyone before making my way to my room. Once I'm inside I drop my bag before falling into my bed. I don't bother to change, I simply kick my shoes off and pull the blanket over myself.


One of the biggest downsides to this building is that the doors don't hold out sound very well. So when paired with how light of a sleeper I am, as soon as anyone is awake and walking around in the building, so am I. As arcton members march up and down the hall, both right outside my door and on the floor above me, I find myself lying wide awake in bed. I finally pull myself out of bed and change into some clothes that aren't three days old. I gather my dirty clothing, preparing to take them to get washed.

"Tell Blake that I want to speak with him later about the trip to Little Falls," I hear Cyrus outside the door. I stop for a second, there's another voice but it's too faint to hear. Being the noisy person I am, I obviously move closer to the door to hear better. "For now just tell him, they don't know." The footsteps fade away, heading in two different directions, leaving me and my laundry utterly confused. I quickly exit the room, hoping to see who Cyrus was talking to, but no such luck.

I take my clothing to the back corner of Arcton where a few of the older men and women do laundry. "Hi, um do I just leave this here or I can do it if you have a lot or just don't want to." I'm not very good with asking people to do something for me.

"It's fine sweety, just leave them there and I'll get to them next." She says as she continues scrubbing the shirt she had when I walked up. I thank her and leave the cloths like she instructed before walking over toward the fire. I look around and notice no one from my group is awake yet. The conversation I heard early keeps running through my mind, over and over again. I was hoping someone would be awake so I could talk to them about it. "They don't know". Who's they? What don't they know? There's a lot of stuff I don't know, are they talking about us. I wonder as I watch the fire flicker. Then it hits me. There was suppose to be this big fight here only a few days ago. There's no bodies from either side, no bullet holes in the walls or anywhere for that matter, no one is missing. Something isn't right.

I start to make my way over to the tents which house my family when I hear voices again. "The check up went well, they came in checked the radios and left. The Republic has no idea. What about you? How'd you get the girl out?" Cyrus's voice echos out from around the corner.

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