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"They will think he is a traitor, no way." Enzo protests. Nolan suggested or more like demanded that I be the one to talk to Enzo. A horrible idea in my opinion.

"Enzo, Elijah can't walk and he's barely awake. We have no other way of getting through the door. We can take him with us, leave him outside their gate or something. They'll see he's in bad shape and won't blame him."

"Right, they will see that he's shot and unconscious and be grateful to the people that left him to die outside a fence and stole his ID card. They will kill you all." He retorts.

"We don't have another option Enzo! We can't wait any longer and no one else can get us through those doors." We were completely out of options.

"I'm not putting him in that position. He watched my back for years, this is the one time I can have his and I'm not going to let him down. Find a different way." Before I can reply he storms out of the room. I sigh and shake my head. A grunt followed by a rustling sound comes from behind me causing me to turn quickly. Enzo's friend is now away and sitting up on the bed.

"I'm guessing you heard most of that?" I ask. A small smirk forms on his lips as he slowly nods and motions for me to sit on the bed next to him. "I'm good."

"Are you always this guarded?" He wonders aloud, "Enzo is a loyal soldier, for him to have turned on his country you must be very special. Did you know he had a wife in Amly?" I scrunch my eyebrows a little in confusion, causing him to chuckle. "She was a soldier as well, one of the only ones to make it through the program in fact. During World War III she was shot and killed by an American soldier. He became a very vengeful person after that, it was his idea to unite the smaller countries around us so we would have enough power to take you guys down. If you haven't put two and two, when I knew him he hated America. Now I see him and he's working with you guys?" He waits to see if I will reply before carrying on, "I have been apart of war since I enlisted when I was twelve, I've grown tired of it. If you truly wish to bring peace, then I will help however I can. But if you're playing me or Enzo I will not hesitate to shoot you, no matter how angry or upset that makes Enzo."

"Westbrook broke the world and we intend to fix it." I say crossing my arms. Enzo comes back into the room, surprised to see me still in here and his friend awake.

"What's going on in here? Maddox you should be resting." He says, crossing the room and standing between Maddox and I.

"Calm down Enzo, I've been shot before, I'll be fine. Now, my ID card will get you into all the doors except the room the President is in. You'll have to find some way to get in there on your own. She has cameras set up outside the room that go through a different channel so you won't be able to access them in the computer room. Don't worry about me my sister won't kill me."

"Your sister?" I wonder aloud.

"Katoka Church, yes." Maddox confirms, earning a groan from Enzo.


"So I have good news and an interesting fact that could either be pretty good or pretty bad. Good news is, I got the keycard. Though Maddox said that it wouldn't get us into President Church's room. He also said that she has different cameras outside her room that run through a different channel, so Enzo won't be able to access them from the computer room." I can see Sage processing our new found problem and trying to figure it out. "Now for the interesting fact, Maddox is Katoka Church's brother." Most everyone's eyes widen in shock, reflecting my own reaction.

"And he's helping us get to her? How would he know we weren't planning on killing her?" Sage asks what everyone else is thinking.

"Beats me, he told me that he's tired of war and if we really want to make peace then he would help. I guess I have a trusting face." I smirk looking over at Alec who rolls his eyes and chuckles.

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