Problem After Problem

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 Unlike the building we practiced this in, the building is warm and well lit, making it harder to sneak around. "Alec, Blake, Mazlynn, Maddox," I hear Enzo's voice echo in my ear, "your hallways clear, Mazlynn and Maddox you're going to want to sprint. The guards almost in the hall you pass me before the stairs." He says as we jog down the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible. I glance back and watch Alec and Blake disappear into the stairwell before looking back forward. "Maz stop." He says causing Maddox and I to freeze. "He's already in the hall, the room to your right should be empty." Maddox unlocks the door and we both enter quickly, shutting the door behind us.

"Nolan, Sage. Pick up the pace, a guard is almost in your hallway." I tense a little, thinking about my brother being in danger and look at the ground, waiting for the shadow of the guard to interrupt the beam of light coming into the room beneath floor.

I watch as his shadow crosses the light and look at Maddox, waiting for Enzo to give us the all clear. "Alec stop, guards about to open the door." I clench my jaw once again, thinking of the other pairs.

"Mazlynn you can't focus on them, they will be fine. Look at me," I glance up, "I will not let my people hurt your family. I promise." I nod quickly as Enzo gives us the all clear. We finally reach the stairs and start the ascend.

"Up for another round of 99 bottles of beer on the wall anyone?" I hear Nolan's voice call over the radios. I smile, holding in my laughter as we continue sprinting up the stairs. We reach the fifth level and run into a problem. The stairs have been blocked with tables, chairs, and anything else they could find. I look up at the next one to find the same thing.

"Enzo, we have a problem." I call into the radio.

"Yeah, I see it, Nolan, you and Sage are about to run into the same problem. Looks like they blocked all the stairwells except one; probably for this exact reason. Give me a second, I'll find a path to bring you four together and get you to the stairwell Alec and Blake are in." Enzo answers.

"Don't bother with us, I think we can climb it. Just focus on getting the others together." Sage calls.

Before I can protest Enzo is back on the radio and telling us to make a run for the other stairwell now. Maddox, noticing my hesitation, grabs my arm and pulls me out the door. After closing it softly we sprint down the hall until the stairs come into view. I hear the sound of boots hitting the ground just as we close the door. Maddox and I continue up the stairs catching up to Alec and Blake who seem to have waited for us.

"Enzo, we can't climb any higher. How do we get to the other stairs?" Sage asks.

"Give me a sec," he says followed by a long pause.

"Enzo." Nolan says, he's always been impatient

"Yeah, yeah I got it. Out the door, first left, immediate right, all the way down the hall, take a left and the stairs are on the right." He says, putting my mind at ease. "Mazlynn, guards are stopped by the next levels doors. Wait there."

"Shit Nolan stop!" Enzo yells, pausing for a minute before cursing again. We look at one another and wait for Enzo to say something else over the radio but he doesn't. Maddox moves up the stairs a little to look through the window of the door. He comes back down and shakes his head, shrugging.

"Enzo what's going on?" I ask after a moment, only to get silence in return. "Enzo!" I yell, causing an echo in the stairwell. At this point I wasn't worried about getting caught, if they were in the stairwell they were going to catch us anyway.

"I was focusing on you guys and forgot to check on Nolan and Sage," he pauses sighing. "They ran right into guards. Nolan," he pauses.

"Nolan what?" I ask clenching my jaw, as tears begin to sting my eyes.

"Nolan's been shot." I feel as though the wind has been knocked out of me. I would have fallen to my knees if Maddox hadn't caught me. Dad's going to kill me, he's going to kill Enzo. That's if we don't get killed first.

"Mazlynn, we have to keep going." He says, trying to get me to walk up the stairs to the second to last level. I pull away from Maddox and lean against the wall, halfway up the flight of stairs.

"Is he dead?" I ask into the radio. I close my eyes and wait for the answer.

"No, but they're taking him and Sage somewhere. Shit they found the radios, You're on your own now." Enzo says before another voice comes onto the radio.

"Bu kim? Hızlı arama bina. Burada başka biri var. Mahkumları bodruma götür. Bu hatayı tekrar yapmayacaklar." The voice over the radio says. I look over at Maddox for a translation and his face pales slightly.

"We have to go, they know we are here and they're searching the building." Maddox says, trying to move past me up the stairs, but I stick my arm out and stop him.

"I might not speak whatever language that was, but I know that's not all he said." I say clenching my jaw. "What exactly did he say?" I ask firmly.

"Miss Mazlynn, this isn't the time-" I cut him off quickly.

"Don't Miss Mazlynn me, what the fuck did he say Maddox." I bark.

"He asked who was on the radio, then called to his men. He told them to search the building and take the prisoners to the basement. He said to make sure they," he pauses mid-sentence shaking his head a little.

"What? I swear to god Maddox if you don't tell me." I keep my eyes trained on him and my jaw clenched.

"He said to make sure they don't make this mistake again. The basements where they torture people, Mazlynn." Maddox waits a moment to let that information sink in before tugging my arm slightly. "I know this hard, but we have to go." he says trying to get me up the stairs. I pull my arm free and pull the radio up to my lips. "Mazlynn think about what you're doing." Maddox warns.

"I am." I say before taking a deep breath and pass the radio to him. "Tell them you caught two more outside the building and saw more of them take off into the woods." I instruct.

He takes the radio from me and hopefully translates that into the radio. After a moment a voice come back on. I glance at Maddox who lets out a deep breath and smiles. "They're sending troops to help."

I nod and the four of us continue up the stairs, Maddox and I in the front. Just as we start up the last flight of stairs the door behind us busts open and a guard appears gun in hand. Before he can get a shot off, Blake quickly grabs the gun and begins wrestling with him. Just as Blake forces him against the wall, other guards appear in the hall. Alec quickly throws himself against the door holding it closed as the ram against it, trying to get through.

"So much for sending help outside," I say as I go to help them. Maddox grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"We have to keep moving." Maddox yells.

"We can't leave them." I yell back just as Blake and the guard tumble down the stairs in the midst of their fight. "Blake!" I yell trying to move to his aid only to be stopped once again by Maddox.

"We help them by getting to my sister!" He yells pulling me up the stairs.

Alec stumbles a little as the guard's pound against the door. "Go, Mazlynn! We will hold them off as long as we can!" Alec yells as he slams the door shut once again, keeping the guards out.

"Mazlynn come on!" Maddox yells, as he pulls me through the last door. Once the door closes I slide down the wall, running my hands roughly through my hair. This floor is silent. There are no boots slapping against the floor, no yelling, the only thing that can be heard is my jagged breathing. Maddox turns to me, crouching in front of me and pulling my arms from my face.

"You promised." I whisper.

"I know Mazlynn, but the only thing that can help them now is getting to my sister and getting her to release them. In order to do that I need to you calm down okay? They need you, and the only way to help them is to finish this. Okay? Can you do that?" He asks, looking into my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and nod, pulling myself off the floor. "Good, good, this way." We jog down the hall and come to hall with a door at the end of it.

"What now?" I ask as we walk down the hall.

"How does that old nursery rhyme go? The one with the wolf and pigs?"

"Not well for the wolf."

End of DaysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora