A New Member

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"Would you just listen to me? You are all such hot heads! He's being helpful, just give him a second to talk." I say stepping between Enzo and my father.

"Do you really trust this guy? He could be filling your head full of lies!" Griffin says, picking himself off the ground and sliding into place next to my father.

"And what good would that do him? Just give me a few more minutes." I plead.

"Mazlynn, Griffin is right. We can't trust anything he says."

"You were willing to trust it when Griffin was trying to beat it out of him. Why can't you trust it now that I'm getting it from talking to him like a civil human being. He said they invaded Canada after the bombs. They let them into their country in exchange for not dropping more nukes. It makes sense, then they could come at us from three different sides and use more of their nukes on us. Please, he's helping us find Sam." My father looks at Enzo then back down at me.

"Five more minutes, if you don't have a location by then then it's back to Griffins way." A smirk forms on Griffins lips as they head back upstairs. I let out a shaky breath as the door closes. I hear the chair scrape against the ground as Enzo sits back down. I turn toward him and sit down as well.

"Thank you, for not letting him hit me." I say looking up at him, he nods quickly, looking back at the ground.

"Thanks for not letting your dad shoot me." He says chuckling softly. I smile a little and run a hand through my hair.

"I can take you to your friend. But you're going to need more people on your side, the ten of you will be killed in a matter of minutes if you try to break into the camp." Enzo says, "There are refugee camps being set up all over the country, if you can find one I'm sure they'd be willing to help. I can get someone to the door, but by now they know I left. They won't trust me once they know who I am."

"Let me go talk to my father, just stay down here okay? They need to start trusting you, the only way that'll happen is if they stop seeing you as the enemy. I'll find you a change of clothes while I'm up there." I say and stand up, making my way up the stairs.

"Listen, she is my daughter and I trust her. If she trusts him, then that's good enough for me. Let's just wait and see what else he told her." I hear as I open the basement door. Everyone is gathered around listening to my father speak. He turns to me and smiles, "well?"

"He said he'd take us there, that he could get someone to the door, but as soon as they recognized him they'd try to kill him. He said the camp is too hard for us to break into but that there are refugee camps that would probably be willing to help us if we found one."

"So, what? We just leave my daughter to fend for herself at that awful place while we try and find someone to help us? Does he even know where a refugee camp is?" Bree exclaimed.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that Sam is strong, and she can make it a couple of days for us to get the help we need to save her. People at the camps probably have loved ones who were taken as well." I say and bite my lip, looking at my brothers.

Nolan sighs and nods, "she's right, it's the best play, and frankly the only one we really have." I smile at him as the others slowly start to nod along.

"Well little missy, where do you suggest we look for one of these camps?"

Suddenly I hear a voice behind me, "there's one a couple towns over. They're planning on re-attacking it in a few days once they drop off the prisoners and get a few more guards. If you can get there before them and convince them to strike back first, you'll be dealing with less guards at the camp." Enzo says, his hands behind his back, shoulders back, head held high. I notice the Republic arm band is no longer around his biceps. "I no longer stand with my country, I would like to fight with you."

End of DaysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant