Marching Into Battle

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I glance around at the others standing beside me as I load my gun and tuck it into the waistband of my jeans then cover it with my hoodie. Enzo and Maddox are talking off to the side causing a few to glance their way. Maddox is the first to leave their conversation as he comes to stand next to me. He nods at me before picking up an extra jacket and throwing it on. I offer him a gun but he shakes his head, "I'll die before I shoot one of my own people." I apologize quickly setting it back down. I look over to the side to see my parents standing by the entrance of the ballroom. My father has his arms crossed with a scowl on his face and an icy glare as he watches Enzo talk with Nolan. My mother on the other hand has a smile on her face and waves me over. I glance at Sage and Blake who are talking about last minute details before making my way over to them.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" I ask once I reach them.

"We wanted to say goodbye before you left." She says, pulling me into a hug. I close my eyes for a second as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"It's not goodbye mom, just a see you in the morning."

"You better be back in the morning." My father mumbles beside us as my mother and I pull apart. I roll my eyes a little as I smile. I could tell they were both nervous about sending two of their three children into what could be the start of another war. If something went sideways this mission to unite our countries could make problems between them worse. No pressure right.

"Calm down papa bear, we will be fine." I say and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me back and places a kiss on top of my head. His hugs always made me feel safe, but I could tell he was nervous. He hesitantly lets me go, almost like he was contemplating telling me to stay.

"If you and your brother don't come back, I'm killing anyone who does." He says. I roll my eyes once again and smile up at him. I knew his threats were empty, but I didn't doubt he'd be very angry with them.

"I love you too dad." I give them each a kiss before walking over to Nolan and sending him their way. I take a deep breath before joining Blake and Sage. "Are we ready?" I ask.

"Almost, just making sure we have everything," Sage says before walking over to Nolan as he says his goodbyes to our parents. I adjust my hoodie a little and slide the radio Elijah made into my back pocket. I send the wire to the headphones down my back under my hoodie before plugging them into the radio. I leave the earbuds out and hanging out the front of my hoodie as I glance up at Blake.

"You know, in like ten years when we are being interviewed about the day we saved the world, if I could say 'I looked at you, as we were about to face certain death and pulled you in for what I thought could be our last kiss.'" He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and smirking down at me.

I smile and lean up a little, "it'll be the night we saved the world." I whisper before winking and pulling out of his arm. I smirk to myself as I make my way over to Nolan, hearing him chuckle behind me. I have to admit, seeing everyone dressed in all black reminds me off all the spy movies I watched as a kid. I always wanted to be a spy; climbing up the side of buildings, knocking people out with one punch, using different gadgets, having a secret identity. The whole nine yards. Now that I was close to living it out, I start to wonder how calm they all were. My heart was already racing and we hadn't even left the hotel yet.

"I just wanted to say a few words before we leave. When this all started I didn't think there was a way to stop it. When my family was in the bunker below my house, listening to the bombs drop and praying for it to end I thought that was going to be it for my life. When we came out, I was glad we hadn't died, a fate many others couldn't avoid, but I was scared my life, my families life would just be searching for our next meal and evading death as long as possible. When we reached Arcton, I thought maybe we had a chance of surviving a little easier in this new world." He pauses for a second looking over at me, "but now, now I look around and I see the beginning the future not the end. I see hope, something I haven't had in a long time. I see happiness, love, compassion. I see my sister smile, with no fear in her eyes. You all have given me this new look on the this world, you have given me a chance for the future. And after tonight you will have given me and everyone else, a new life. One where we don't just survive, we thrive. Where we make the rules, where we make peace, and friends in unlikely places," he says glancing at Maddox and Enzo. "Where there is no longer sides, no longer fear, or death. After tonight, we are all heroes, we are all family, and we are building a new world." He finishes, earning a round of cheers.

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