Season 3 Episode 10

Start from the beginning

          She walked down to breakfast where she saw Ian talking intensely to Ted. Gwen got an egg and started eating it. Anthony walked over and asked “Anything strange?” “When I woke up” said Gwen. “He was standing right over me. I didn’t know what to do.” “It’s okay” said Anthony. “We should just watch him carefully.”

          “So” said Anthony. “Why didn’t you want to sleep in your room with Ian?” “We broke up” said Gwen. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry” said Anthony. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine” said Gwen. “It’s just gonna be weird for a few weeks.” “If we’re even here that long” said William, who walked up and sat across from them. “If this guy keeps hurting and kidnapping us, than we’ll be dead.”

         “Look” said Anthony. “I don’t think Dave and Pete were kidnapped. I think they’re dead.” “Maybe” said William. “But, it’s more likely that they’re alive. Dave and Pete are fighters. I’m sure they’ll be back soon. They’ll probably get their captor.” Gwen and Anthony both knew Sam definitely couldn’t have kidnapped David and Peter.

           The entire day, Gwen watched Sam and made sure he wouldn’t do anything. He hadn’t done a thing, and Gwen was sure he didn’t know she was watching. At the end of the day, as Gwen prepared for her turn on watch, she approached Anthony outside. “Look” said Gwen. “Sam hasn’t done anything today” said Gwen.

         “It’s at nighttime that you need to be careful” said Anthony. “You and William are on watch tonight. You need to stand around the maintenance room window. I’ll walk around the museum to make sure no one is awake, but you’re the one that matters here.” “Okay” said Gwen. “I’ll be careful.”

           Once it was nighttime, everybody went to sleep except for Gwen, William, and Anthony. Anthony walked around the museum as Gwen looked out of the gate. “See anything?” William asked. Gwen shook her head as she walked towards the boarded window. There was no sign of entry, which made her feel better.

           Anthony opened the door to the maintenance room to see if anyone was there. He walked in, but didn’t see a sign of anyone. Suddenly, he heard a clang. “Hello” he said, looking forward. However, he heard the click of a lock behind him. He grabbed the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. “Oh no” said Anthony. “Sam. SAM.” He turned on his heel and ran forward, but a walker lunged at him and tackled him. It was about to bite him, but he kicked it into a sharp pipe and its head was impaled. As Anthony jumped up, he started to run, but he slipped on the walker’s blood, hitting his head.

            Sam opened his eyes and looked around. “Dad” he said. He had heard someone calling him, so he stood up and walked out. “Dad, you call” he said, but he didn’t receive an answer. He looked out the window and saw walkers approaching the museum. “Oh no” he said, grabbing his gun.

           Gwen walked around hoping not to see anyone. As she past the gate, she heard a grunt. She walked forward and saw William on the ground, unconscious. She ran forward, saying “William.” She checked for a pulse, and felt one. She could even hear faint breathing. At that moment, she heard the gate open. She drew her gun and saw Sam run out of the gate. “Sam” she said. She ran out of the gate too, and saw him shoot walkers. However, there was a woman with the walkers, and she was getting chewed up. Sam shot the walkers before shooting the woman in the face.

           Gwen jumped behind a bush as she watched Sam go through the gate. It’s not him she thought, as she heard a rustle in the trees. Right at the other side of the museum was a shadow with walkers near it. No Gwen thought as she ran forward. She watched as she saw the shadow cut a hole into the fence and climb in with the walkers. As the shadow stood up, his face was revealed.

             Harry Kane, looking scarred and tired, was pulling the boards off of the window and saying “I wonder if I can catch another member of the group. We’re idiots Gwen thought as she looked at him. How did we forget about Arrington? Gwen then took out a knife and started carving something into a tree next to her. As she finished, she started heading to the gate, but a walker lunged at her and pinned her against the fence.

            However, the walker was pulled off of her and stabbed in the head. “Well, well, well” said Harry Kane. “Another straggler.” He drew back his hand and smacked her in the face. “Let’s bring you to your friends” Harry said, putting her on his shoulders. He didn’t know about the message she carved on the tree:

Harry Kane Is The Person Sabotaging Us. Arrington Is Trying To Kill Us Again. They Have Dave And Pete, And Maybe Me, Gwen, Too.


On The Next Episode Of WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“Gwen’s gone” says Ian as William awakes. “Somebody hit me in the head” says William. “Somebody locked me in” says Anthony. “She’s probably dead” says Terry. “NO SHE’S NOT” Anthony says, throwing Terry against the wall. “I’m sorry, Sam” says Anthony. They drive, Gwen looks across a room, and then Anthony looks at a tree.


There Are Only Two Episode Left


“I can’t believe we forgot about you” Anthony’s voice says.


Before The Blood Curdling Season Finale


 “Yeah” says Harry Kane. “I can’t believe it.”


Find Out What Happens On Episode 11 Of The Walking Dead. 

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