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Author pov

"So,what is it?" Taehyung asked.

"I want to know if.. Jimin still--" taehyung cut her off. "Like you?" She nod and take a sip of her coffee.

"Well,he does. I still remember how he change back to become a bad boy but he can't. He ignore everyone who try to flirt with him. And.. he loves you." He smile widely to eunji.

Eunji pov

After what taehyung explain to me, I still didn't believe it but.... *sigh* I don't know...

Suddenly I remember something.

"Do you know that Jimin found out who make us separate?" I asked. His smile slowly faded away.

"Don't talk about that bitch." Automatically I got interest with this 'thing' (looool)

"I want to know. Who?" I can see that he let out a big sigh. "Jennie." My eyes widden. I thought I misheard or what but no!

"W-why would she do that?"

"You know right she love jimin? So she asked someone to hacked your phone so she can search something to make Jimin hate you. Example, the phone call."

I remember how Jimin hate me when he show me jihun voice call me 'boo'.  That guy,I suddenly miss him.

Taehyung pov

I'm afraid that she will asked me who 'someone' that I mention to hacked her phone. I don't want to hurt her. I know,if I tell her she maybe can have depression.

(Idk, depression suddenly come to my mind.)

Let it be a secret for now,I guess.

Jin pov

I saw Jimin standing alone at his car. His face...did he just cry?!

"Hey! What's wrong with you?!"

"Hyung,she...love taehyung..." I confused. Who is he talking about?

"She? Who?"

"Eunji..." I'm shocked. She love taehyung? But,taehyung already went to lunch. Maybe with her. But still,eunji love tae?

"Jimin,go to namjoon and yoongi okay? They about to go to lunch. You can join them. I join later. I have something to do at my office." I lied.

Jimin nod his head and went to namjoon and yoongi who waiting for me at lobby. I quickly went to my car after I saw Jimin left.

Taehyung 0_0

I called him two times and for the third time finally he picked up.

Taehyung- hyung? Why do you call me?

Jin- where are you?

Taehyung- at QQQ café with eunji. Wae?

Jin- wait for me.

"Jimin..I hope what you say isn't true.."


I search for him and saw he wave his hand. I walk near to him and saw eunji. She send me a warm smile. Still same like when you're on high school...

"Hyung,why you suddenly want to have lunch with me?" Taehyung asked.

"Just because. I have a fight with namjoon. He just break my pen." Huh,what a nice lie. I bet namjoon mad at me because I didn't have lunch with him.

"I think maybe I shouldn't be here." Eunji about to leave but I stop her. I give her a please-stay look and she understand.

Eunji pov

Jin stop me from going. I found it weird. What's wrong with him?

"Eunji,I want to ask you." My God..this make me feel like I'm at police station.

"Do you know that Jimin still love you? And..we all know who make this chaos." I just smile.

"I know. Taehyung told me." He make a 'v' sign.

"Actually,Jimin saw both of you." I don't understand. Saw what?

"He saw that you and taehyung went to lunch together and he misunderstood." Of course he will misunderstood. Who wouldn't when your girlfriend go to lunch with other guy?









Stop it eunji! You have kihyun! Stop! Stop thinking about him!


I have a lot thing to asked but maybe later. I take a leave and I think I want to surprise kihyun.

*Startship ENT* ( kihyun pov)

"Kihyun! Your girlfriend here!" Wonho point at eunji who standing at our practice room's door.

"Come in!" She get near to me and I pull her for a hug. I kiss her forehead. How I miss her...

"I miss you........." Her laugh is so adorable. I smile how proud I am when eunji break up with Jimin and be with me.


Something worried me. What if she found out? If she know...I'm dead. Wait,she got an offer to become model at jimin's company! W-what if he already found out?!

No! I love eunji! I won't let her go!

I must tell Jennie about this.

Holla peeps! Double or triple update?  Maybe look at the situation. I'm just laying my fat body while watching anime hue~ and the ending is so damn sad brooooo huaa! But the kiss, wow! *smirk*

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