Chapter 30 - Revenge & Love

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Tachanka stood bouncing on the balls of his feet impatiently and hitting his back against the brick wall behind him repeatedly, extremely eager to track down Jäger. The knife still deep in his shoulder, but he could live through the pain for the sake of his friend who was in far deeper trouble. He managed to stop the bleeding with some gauze and bandages from his kit, but of course the knife was still present. He prayed Bandit and his team wouldn't take much longer, Jäger could be in deep trouble. He didn't want to think about the kind of things Doc would do to him but he couldn't help but let his mind slip into to some dark scenarios. He was hoping they could get him out unharmed or at least alive.

Within a couple more minutes, a four by four truck began making its way down the dead road of the abandoned street, the wheels spreading sand, dirt and dust onto the sidewalks. Tachanka held a hand above his eyes to shade them from the blistering hot sun and get a better view of the truck. It's engine roared loudly as it got nearer. Upon investigating, Tachanka noticed a head pop out of the front passenger seat window. Just by one look he could tell who it was. It was Bandit.

His three teammates sat in the back of the truck lolling along with the rockiness of the road; Zofia and Twitch were on the right side where Tachanka was standing but he couldn't see the third teammate until they began to pull up.

A furious blush arose to his cheeks and a lump formed in his throat that was impossible to swallow as he saw the final teammate. It was Kapkan. Seeing his ex-lover after months of the silent treatment hit his heart hard. Sure he saw Kapkan in training from time to time, but they'd always be at least twenty feet apart and trying not to make eye contact. It only hurt whenever he longed for him, he missed him dearly ever since the day they broke up.

As they finally pulled up, Kapkan's eyes locked with his for a moment before he shied away blushing. Tears formed in Tachanka's as his ex could barely look at him. It hurt. All he wanted was his precious Maxim back, but he knew he couldn't. He'd only end up hurt again.

Snapping out of his gaze, he walked up to the front window trying to forget Kapkan's presence. Giving a worried Bandit a weak smile he gestured for him to get out of the truck. Thanking the driver who seemed to be a citizen they got a ride from, the door clicked. Stepping back so Bandit could open the door, he climbed out with a huff. The girls hopped over the edge of the truck onto the sidewalk with confident smiles and Kapkan dragged himself feebly around to the sidewalk. Avoiding Tachanka's burning gaze, he stared at his feet in pain and guilt.

"Do you have any idea where Mari is being held?" Bandit asked worriedly snapping him out of his longing stare. Nodding, he gestured them to follow him inside. The five moved quickly, one by one into the building flicking on their torches to scope out the area.

Tachanka felt Kapkan's eyes burn into the back of his skull sending shivers down his spine and making the hairs all over his body stand on end. He gulped and proceeded down a hallway. The four followed behind him.

"Look here," he gestured towards a rotten wood staircase covered in dust heading downwards. "I have a feeling he's taken him down into the basement." He assumed pointing down the staircase.

"Medical facility." Zofia read on the sign screwed onto the mouldy papered wall. "If it is Doc, then that's probably where he took Jäger." She indicated and the four nodded with hums of agreement.

Single-file, the five padded down the loudly creaking staircase, the noise echoing throughout the corridor. Now in the basement, there were three doors that read; Theatre 1, 2 and 3 on plaques nailed into them. The furthest theatre was the second one which was right at the end of the dark cobweb infested corridor.

"Maybe it's that one, its the furthest away so no one would know." Twitch suggested pointing towards it with her assault rifle in hand.

"Why don't you drone it out? Tell us what you see." Bandit also suggested and Twitch nodded, setting her backpack on the ground and kneeling down to pull out one of her infamous shock drones. Tossing it onto the ground, she tapped on the control panel on her wrist and began to control the drone.

Slipping under the doorway with a little bump, the drone examined the room. A large cabinet stood in front of the drone so she had to drive it around for a better view. As it scurried around to an operating table she saw the most horrendous sight.

Doc standing naked with his penis in Jäger's mouth and tears streaming down his face. He seemed to be bleeding also, drops fell from the table onto the cold tile floor. Twitch froze with a blank stare her jaw dropping, everyone staring at her in confusion and worry.

Grabbing her wrist roughly, Bandit took one look at the view from her drone. His horrified gaze rose from her wrist and turned towards the door. His hands formed fists, squeezing them so tightly they turned white. Tears of anger and guilt streamed down his face as he sobbed still staring at the door in shock. It was so painful, he wanted to save his baby but he felt like he was frozen, petrified from the unimaginable scene. Tachanka knew enough was enough and brought a palm to Bandit's face landing a hard slap to his cheek. He snapped out of his state with a gasp and fell to his knees still sobbing. He shook his head rapidly and rushed to his feet stumbling. He had to save him.

Sprinting towards the door tripping over himself hysterical, he slammed into it with immense force knocking one of the hinges off completely. It swung open smashing against the wall. Doc turned in shock, a loud gasp escaping him.

There he was. His beautiful baby boy, another man's cock in his mouth screaming, choking, gagging as tears soaked his enter face and the table beneath him. He saw the red substance that trickled onto the tiles beneath his feet.

And expression deeper than rage or anger morphed on his face, turning it a devilish red as though on fire. Grabbing a blood soaked knife with force from the cabinet in front of him, his shaking hand held it tightly, white knuckles still present. Jäger's shrill screams stopped gradually until silence filled the room. Diving over the cabinet, Bandit rushed towards the frozen Doc. Knowing what was about to happen, he slammed his eyes shut and squeezed his hands into fists, curling his bare toes awaiting the impact.

With one swift slash, the knife slit Doc's throat open. Blood spilled out onto him and the tiles below that were once white but were now painted a rich red. He dropped to his knees gargling blood sickeningly the noise making Bandit's stomach turn, his mouth filled with the red substance. As it poured out of his mouth, his eyes rolled back into his skull and he shook in excruciating pain. His body fell limp face first to the tile floor. The blood creating a puddle that spread throughout the room.

Tachanka stood behind Bandit as the events unfolded. He was frozen in pure shock. The other three watched in pain and sadness as their once friend who they thought they could trust was killed in front of them. Tears streamed from their eyes as they watched Bandit who weeped as he walked towards his unconscious boyfriend.

Scooping and arm under his back and another under his legs, he lifted Jäger from the table. They watched as he sobbed distraught into the unconscious boy's neck. He slipped passed them with him tightly in his arms and headed towards the stairs. Twitch and Zofia followed leaving Tachanka and Kapkan behind.

He couldn't bare it anymore. He needed to feel Maxim's warmth once again. Spinning on his heel suddenly, he crashed his body into Kapkan's wrapping his arms around him tightly and sobbing into his chest. He hugged him back, holding and soothing him with guilt and sadness, circling his back with his hand creating little patterns unknowingly. He planted a love filled kiss to his head. The confident and loud monster of a man now seemed so small and vulnerable in his arms and it hurt Kapkan's heart immensely to see him this way.

"I-i missed you so much my love. I know we broke up because your family would not allow us together, but I don't care anymore. I need you in my life, you complete me."

Tears trickled down Kapkan's cheeks in guilt and regret that landed on his ex's fluffy light brown hair. He held him tighter planting another kiss on his head.

"All this time I've missed you too, it's been the hardest period of my life. I need you more than you need me, believe that beautiful. I'm nothing without you and if my family can't see that, then they are no longer my family."

His words replayed on a loop in his mind as he shared the embrace he had been longing for months with the love of his life. At last he could finally love him again.


A/N - Ahhhh this is my favourite chapter yet!! I literally cried whilst writing it. It's the saddest one yet but I feel like it's so beautiful at the same time. I really hope you guys enjoyed it too.

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