Chapter 10 - Suspicion

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Jäger waited at the entrance of the hospital, suitcase in hand ready for Bandit to come pick him up. He wasn't able to drive before as he got his license taken off him for drunk driving months back, but he finally got it back with perfect timing too. Of course he was in a much better place now than then, all thanks to his wonderful boyfriend. His light at the end of the tunnel.

About ten minutes later, Bandit pulled up in his janky car that was literally on it's last legs. It had broken down multiple times and the engine was busted a lot but it did it's job. Nothing Jäger couldn't fix for him though. He felt lucky to have an engineer for a boyfriend. Very lucky.

Jäger flashed him a huge toothy smile as he pulled up, not having seen him in a day, he missed him a lot. Bandit smirked and rolled the window down to greet his boyfriend.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

Jäger blushed at the pet name and opened the car door, climbing in awkwardly then slamming the rusty door behind him. He reached over to kiss Bandit on the cheek then sat back and looked ahead.

"I'm doing well, what about you hun?" He asked with a grin. Bandit giggled at the pet name he got in return.

"Just dandy gorgeous," he chuckled and playfully hit his arm. Jäger faked a face of pain and Bandit couldn't help but laugh at his silliness.

Jäger flicked through the channels on the radio station looking for a song they both knew and could sing along to. Most of the mainstream stuff was shit in his opinion, but there were always a couple songs he could jam too. He came across IDGAF by Dua Lipa on one of the stations, her newest single. He decided to leave it play since he was a fan of her, Bandit too as far as he was concerned.

He lolled his head to the clapping of the beat and tapped his feet in rhythm. Noticing how much Jäger was enjoying himself, he decided to join in. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and humming along under his breath.

"Sing for me babe," Jäger requested with a wink. Bandit was a little nervous as he'd never sung in front of him before, but then again, Jäger could never hurt his feelings too badly. He was a big softie.

"So I cut you off, I don't need your love..." He began, quiet at first afraid of what Jäger would think of his voice, but as the song progressed he gradually got into the groove and sang louder, still tapping his fingers.

Jäger was no less than dumbfounded by the voice of his loved one. Every lyric he sang was perfectly in tune, his tone was smooth and sweet like honey and Jäger was in awe. He never knew Bandit had such a talent for singing and wondered why he never revealed this talent before now. It made him mad that he kept it all to himself.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me you were an amazing singer?!" He questioned flabbergasted. Bandit blushed and stopped out of shyness. He kept his eyes on the road with a small smile.

"Oh stop, it's not that great," he giggled scratching his neck awkwardly. "You know how shy and anxious I am Mari, I could never sing in front of anyone," he admitted, his face falling a little thinking of all the things he would've been able to do without his anxiety and depression, not just singing of course.

"Baby it's amazing and you have nothing to be anxious about. Surely that's easier said than done, but try not to think about what others think. As cringe as it sounds, believe in yourself."

He reached over to wrap his arm around Bandit's waist. He looked at him for a second, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Thanks baby," he pressed a kiss to hiss cheek then went back to focusing on the road. Maybe Jäger was right, all he had to so was think about what he wants, what he expects from himself, what he thinks of himself and not what others think or expect from him. He had to let loose and be him self. He'd definitely take his boyfriend's advice to heart.

About five minutes later, they were sat in comfortable silence with the radio still playing. Jäger gazed at the clouds out the passenger window while Bandit kept his eyes on the road, nodding along to the song playing.

Suddenly, the text-alert on Jäger's phone went off and his screen lit up. He looked down quickly at the phone in his lap and picked it up, unlocking it to see who had texted him.

Ryad: Hiya cutie, how is it on the outside? I'm still cooped up in here :(

Ryad: Anyways, just wanted to say hi and goodbye I guess. I noticed you leaving earlier and you looked so freaking hot not gonna lie. 💕

Ryad: Last one I promise lol, wanna meet up sometime? Text me back and let me know whenever you can cutie ❤️

Jäger blushed and smiled at the texts from his new friend as he read them. He was truly flattered that someone that hot thought he was hot. He giggled to himself thinking of a silly reply.

"Who was that baby?" Bandit asked curiously, the messages catching his attention. He shifted over a little, still keeping his eyes on the road, but trying to peek at the phone too.

"Oh just a guy I met at the hospital," he replied with an awkward chuckle. He really didn't want Bandit to see the messages so he tried to hide the phone ever so subtly as he replied.

Jäger: Aw thank you :3 yeah I'd like to meet up sometime, how about Saturday? I have a day off then :) well I have two weeks off because of my surgery, but you know what i mean 💕

Maybe he shouldn't have replied with hearts, but he really did want to meet up with him. Plus he was just being nice, he didn't mean anything by it. He seemed like a cool guy to hang out with.

"Can I see what he said?" Bandit smiled as he asked, holding his hand out expecting Jäger to give him his phone.

He had to think of some dumb excuse, he couldn't let Bandit see the flirtatious texts from Jackal.

"Oh, s-sorry they got deleted automatically babe," he stuttered and smiled awkwardly trying his best to cover the whole thing up.

Bandit was extremely suspicious but trusted his boyfriend so he just shook it off and turned to the road without a word. Jäger felt a pang of guilt in his chest as he noticed his happy expression fading.

What did he get himself into now?

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