Chapter 9 - Hispanic Charmer

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Three days after Jäger's surgery and he was fit to head back to the base. Of course he wouldn't be able to take part in training but their next mission wasn't for a couple months, unless some emergency terrorist plot was discovered or something along those lines.

Bandit had visited him everyday since his surgery. He wanted to make it up to him for all the heartbreak he caused and to do so, he brought him fresh clothes, food and water, magazines and even a cute get well soon card. He would do anything for his boyfriend. Jäger truly appreciated everything he did for him over the past few days.

He was currently resting in his hospital bed, bored and ready to leave. He still had a few more hours before Bandit would come and pick him up after training. The only trouble was, today was extensive training meaning it could last an extra hour or two depending on the exercises and drills.

He didn't have much to entertain himself really. He had a magazine next to him but he'd already read it through twice and he didn't have a book to read or anything like that. He did have his phone but every time he'd refresh his social media, nothing would come through.

He looked around the brightly lit room. His curtain was pulled back so he could see some of the other patients on the wards. Across from him he spotted a rather attractive guy who seemed to have hurt his head pretty badly considering all the bandaging that was wrapped around it. He couldn't deny he was super cute. He had nice chocolate brown hair that looked so silky smooth and a solid facial structure from what he could see. He was too far away to see the boy's eyes, plus he was looking down at his phone anyways.

Considering Jäger was aloud to walk about if he needed to stretch his legs, he decided he was going to go talk to the guy. What harm is having a chat gonna do? He thought.

He sat up slowly propping his hands behind him for support. He pulled the covers back then kicked his legs over the side. Slipping into his fluffy slippers that Bandit brought him, he stood up and stretched. His limbs were tight from staying in bed for three days straight. Apart from toilet breaks of course.

His slippers tapped against the tile floor as he slowly walked over to the boy. He blushed as he got nearer. Jäger really couldn't deny he was gorgeous. As he got closer, the guy must have heard him coming and he looked up, eyes squinting slightly and a charming expression on his face. Jäger screamed inside. He was perfect. He stared into the man's eyes. They were a gorgeous brown ocean that Jäger was slowly drowning in. He couldn't break eye contact, he was completely mesmerised.

"Well, hello there señor," he greeted charmingly. His accent was like music to Jäger's ears and the way he pronounced his words melted him inside. He loved a Hispanic man if he was completely honest.

"Uh- hello," Jäger replied shyly almost choking on his words. He smiled at him and the man winked in response. Jäger screamed on the inside.

"What brings you here hermosa la cosa?" He asked in a friendly but flirtatious way at the same time. Jäger knew a bit of Spanish even though he was German himself. He felt like that meant "beautiful thing" and he was so flattered by the handsome man in front of him.

"Well, I was really bored so I wanted to come talk to you. I think you're really handsome," Jäger admitted blushing, but he instantly regretted saying that when he thought of his boyfriend. He felt guilty for flirting with another man, but he was only having some fun, could he really blame him?

"Oh well thank you. Pretty cute yourself," he paused and made a gesture with his finger hinting that he wanted his name. "Oh- Marius," Jäger replied instantly when realising what the gesture meant. "Nice name," he winked again and Jäger was slowly dying on the inside.

"My name is Ryad, but my friends call me Jackal," he smiled and held his hand out. Jäger gladly took it in his and shook it gently.

"You can take a seat right here if you want," Jackal offered with a smile, patting a spot next to him on his bed. Jäger gladly took the offer and sat down.

They were silent for a couple seconds. Both just gazing into each other's eyes with a smile. Jackal decided to break the silence.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here?" He asked curiously. Jäger hesitated and looked away. It made him upset whenever he thought about what happened. Jackal noticed the change in his expression.

"Oh sorry, you don't have to say," he placed and hand on his shoulder and shook it gently. "I actually got here because a pellet hit me straight in the head. Of course pellets don't do much damage, but it hit me with such force it cut my head open," he chuckled a little self-deprecating.

Jäger noticed how he said pellet and wondered if he trained somewhere like him. Turns out Jackal actually worked for the GEO, the Spanish National Police Corps and he also responded to terrorism much like Jäger and his team. They were both really interested in each other as they shared they're experiences in counter-terrorism. There were many jokes and giggles in between and it was safe to say they hit it off well. At the end of they're conversation, they even exchanged numbers to keep in touch.

Jäger really liked this guy, but he loved Bandit and there was a massive difference. Jäger and Jackal would be nothing more than good friends. He only had his eyes on one guy and that was Bandit. He felt it was fine to be with a guy and find others attractive too.

When they finished speaking, Jäger headed back to his bed and they smiled at each other from across the ward. He giggled at the goofy grin Jackal was pulling. Pulling some fresh clothes out of the suitcase under his bed, his text alert went of on his phone:

Bandit💕: Be there in half an hour babe, love you ❤️ x

Jäger blushed and swooned at the adorable text from his boyfriend. Guess it was time for him to get ready. His knight in shining armour was on his way.

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