Chapter 12 - Scared You're Gonna Leave Me

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A/N ~ Look at Bandit's perfect ass ;) enjoy! xo


Jäger and Bandit sat at a table for two in a pretty fancy Italian restaurant Bandit had heard of the what down the road. They held hands across the table, gazing into each other's eyes and giggling every so often, Jäger more than Bandit of course. Bandit loved Jäger's sweet laugh, he could listen to it all day. Hell he'd make it his ringtone.

They had already ordered food; Jäger went all in ordering pasta with garlic bread and a small pizza for one, being the one who was always "starving", whereas Bandit only ordered a salad. He never ate much, he didn't like the thought of food. He didn't eat a lot because he was afraid of being fat and people making fun of him, so he'd make sure to only eat a little at a time. This worried Jäger, he always wanted him to eat more, but he'd only refuse every time. He was such a tough nut to crack, even though he felt weak most of the time. He may seem happier now, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't, but those dark thoughts still lingered in the back of his mind. He still had the temptation of hurting himself or getting drunk from time to time, it was apart of him. Depression will change you as a person.

When the waiter arrived with their food, Jäger's eyes lit up at the delicious sight in front of him. Once his pasta was set on the table he wafted the scent into his nostrils, practically drooling over it. Bandit on the other hand just stared at his salad plainly. He didn't feel like eating, there was too much on his mind.

He kept thinking of that Jackal guy Jäger was texting and it honestly made him want to cry. He never wanted to worry Jäger, especially now with him being out of hospital and on a date with his boyfriend, but it was really getting to him. He kept thinking what if one day, Jäger got bored of Bandit and moved on to that Jackal guy. He wouldn't blame him considering how boring of a person he was and how dull his personality was too. Sometimes he wondered why Jäger even agreed to be his boyfriend, but he really hoped he was doing an okay job at it.

He was cut away from his thoughts when Jäger spoke up. "Babe, are you okay? Please eat your food I'm starting to worry," he pleaded staring into his eyes. He grabbed Bandit's fork and brought some salad to his mouth, but he tilted his head away in annoyance.

"I'm fine, not hungry," he replied monotonously definitely not in the mood. Jäger squinted at him confused why he was upset all of a sudden.

"You're not fine Dom, and you are hungry so eat," he insisted holding the fork closer to his mouth. Bandit smacked the fork roughly out of Jäger's hand with an aggressive huff and got to his feet. He stepped around his chair then slammed it into the table, an angry expression on his face. He stormed off stamping his feet childishly. Jäger sat in disbelief, tearing up. People were staring and he felt extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable. He got up slowly from his chair and slid it under the table, rushing off to the bathroom where he thought Bandit might have gone.

Slowly pushing the door open, he peeked behind it only to see a very upset Bandit leaning against the back wall with his head in his knees, sniffling and whimpering.

Jäger rushed over to comfort him. "Oh baby, tell me what's wrong." Bandit shook his head and sniffled harder. Jäger slipped down beside him and pulled him into his arms, leaning Bandit's head on his chest and pressing a kiss to his head.

"Please tell me what's wrong," he begged giving him a small shake. Bandit cried harder, tears staining Jäger's shirt.

"I-i'm so scared you're g-gonna leave me," he admitted and sobbed into Jäger. He shook his head, shocked that he thought he would leave him.

"Baby, you know I'm never going to do that. I love you way too much to let you go. I'm the luckiest man alive to have you," he professed hugging him tightly placing tiny butterfly kisses all over his head.

"P-promise me you won't leave," he begged looking up at him with red puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"I promise baby," he smiled and kissed him passionately on the lips. Bandit deepened the kiss by pulling Jäger's head further down to his. Tongue, slipping inside to explore, he moaned into the kiss. They moved in sync, Bandit's tongue tickling Jäger's making him whimper slightly.

About a minute later, the broke apart. "What do you say we head back home and continue this baby?" Jäger suggested with a wink. Bandit's mood changed almost in an instant. He smirked and nodded. Jäger got to his feet and held his hand out to help Bandit up. Bandit grabbed it placing a cheeky kiss to the back of it and Jäger blushed.

"I can't wait to do so many dirty things to you," Bandit growled into Jäger's neck. A chill ran down his spine and his hands became sweaty, starting to shake.

On the way out, Bandit harshly spanked Jäger and he knew what was coming. He was so ready for it.

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