Chapter 8 - More Than Friends

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A/N ~ Hello everyone! I'm really glad you're all enjoying the story so far. I'm in love with these two characters and this is extremely special to me. Just wanted to ask you guys to listen to this gorgeous song while reading as it really fits with this chapter. Thank you <3


Bandit stepped inside the ward making sure the door wouldn't slam behind him. A mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety bubbled in his stomach as he slowly began to walk down the row of beds. There were six beds either side and a walkway down the middle. He wasn't sure which bed Jäger was in so he peeked every so often behind the curtains to see if he was inside one of them. He didn't want to be invasive, he just wanted to see the potential love of his life.

Once he reached the fifth bed on the right side of the ward, he gently tugged on the curtain to peek behind it. To his surprise, there he was, eyes shut and chest rising and falling in rhythm. He looked so precious. He was a bit paler than usual but he looked like his usual self.

Bandit slipped between the curtain and the pole it was attached to, then slipped it back behind him. The ward was dead silent, just little beeps from the machines was all to be heard. Butterflies appeared in the pit of his stomach, a warm smile plastered on his face as he got closer to Jäger. He bent over, holding onto the handlebar of the bed for support and pressed his lips to his cold cheek. It felt so good to finally see him again.

Bandit took a seat next to Jäger's bed and pulled out his phone to scroll through it. He decided he'd wait for him to wake up as he needed his rest and would feel bad for waking him himself. He tapped on the camera icon on his phone then held it above him. Making sure Jäger was in frame, he smiled and snapped a photo of the both of them. He'd use this as a little memory and to bully Jäger when he was well again. He giggled at the picture then tapped off it, tucking his phone back in his pocket.

About five minutes later, a soft groan was heard next to him. It made him flinch and as he faced Jäger, he noticed he was begging to stir in his sleep. Was he really about to wake up?

Bandit was extremely excited to finally talk to him and ask how he felt. The poor boy didn't deserve what happened to him, but the important thing was he was alive and well.

As Jäger's sleepy eyes began to flutter open, Bandit grabbed one of his hands and held it tightly, placing a tiny kiss on the back of it. Jäger felt it and flinched a little. His eyes opened very slowly, trying to adjust to the blinding white light of the hospital ward. Everything was so bright and it made his head hurt. He felt a little sick and dizzy, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He looked down at his hand that was interlocked with Bandit's and he soon realised he was right next to him. He turned slowly and looked up at the handsome rugged guy sitting next to him. He smiled warmly and a tear slipped down his cheek out of happiness.

"Heya beautiful," Bandit greeted with a warm smile, stroking the back of Jäger's hand with his thumb. A blush coated his cheeks, surprised by the compliment and he nuzzled his head into Bandit's muscular arm gently. He felt comfortable in his warmth.

"H-hey," he began, throat a little hoarse probably from the medication wearing off. "Why-why am I here, Dommy?" He asked wanting to know how he ended up here.

Bandit blushed at the nickname then began. "Long story short, you took too many sleeping pills last night and overdosed. I came back to our room and found you laying in vomit and blood. You scared the shit out of me," he explained honestly, his expression saddened.

"Oh." He said simply. It took him a while to say anything else and Bandit was a little confused by this. "I remember now," he began, placing his thumb and pointer finger on his chin. "I found you with Blitz and it really hurt me," Bandit felt the guilt build up in his chest as he tightened his grip on Jäger's hand. "After I yelled at you and ran back to the dorm, all I wanted do was sleep and forget everything happened. So, I took some of your sleeping meds without checking the dosage because I was way too drained." He explained everything he remembered and Bandit listened closely watching his lips move as he spoke.

"Jäger, I am so sorry, really. I know you've heard me say that so many times, but this time I promise I mean it." Sorry was a word he'd used countless times lately and yet he never truly meant it.

"Don't worry Dom. Your depression kept getting the better of you and I can't blame you for that. I was just hoping maybe we'd become something more than friends and that's why it hurt me so badly," he explained truthfully, gazing into Bandit's ocean blue eyes.

"Mari, I'd love to be more than friends. This truly helped me realise how much you mean to me and I really hope we can begin a fresh start together," he admitted and kissed Jäger's forehead.

Jäger blushed and lifted his hand to stroke Bandit's cheek. He stared at the foot of the bed for a moment, thinking, then moved his focus back to Bandit's eyes. "We'll have to take it slow, but I really believe this could work out between us."

Bandit was ecstatic. It was actually happening. Jäger didn't hate his guts and wanted their to become something more. He sat back and looked up to the ceiling. This was it. Time to ask Jäger to be his boyfriend.

"Uhm, Mari... would you uh, maybe want to be my... boyfriend," he asked shakily, heart thumping in his ears. Jäger smiled widely and sat up. His stomach hurt a little from the sudden movement, but he didn't mind. Bandit was more important.

"Dominic Brunsmeier," he began, Bandit was a little taken aback by the use of his full name. "I've loved you for such a long time, and I never thought in a million years you'd like me back. Of course I'll be your boyfriend baby." He admitted honestly, a weight lifted off his shoulder. He was finally able to reveal his true feelings for Bandit.

Bandit couldn't contain himself. His heart was pounding, cheeks blushing and smile making his cheeks hurt. He cupped Jäger's face with his shaky hands then smashed their lips together. Jäger immediately kissed back, brushing his tongue against Bandit's bottom lip. The kiss was filled with passion and love and felt so amazing for the both of them. Bandit tasted like heaven to Jäger and he'd never wanted anything more in his life than this.

Jäger always believed everyone deserved a second chance, but for Bandit, he'd make an exception. A third chance wouldn't hurt nobody.

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