Chapter 28 - Tachanka's Escape

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A feeling of guilt boiled in the pit of his stomach as he watched the terrified look on his friend's face being dragged away by a traitor. It angered him, he didn't deserve this. The poor guy was so innocent and harmless, yet they'd do anything to get their hands on him. Love makes people crazy, to the point where they'd do anything to get the thing they desire so longingly for.

As the door shut behind Doc and Jäger, Tachanka locked his eyes with Jackal's, staring intimidatingly, boiling with anger. He was going to get his revenge, he knew that and by doing so, he'd also save his friend. Jackal smirked at Tachanka's position on the concrete floor of the garage. His body slumped and legs hung in front of him whilst his hands were locked to a chain above his head. The chain was connected to a drain pipe that traveled along the wall he was against and down through the garage entrance.

Jackal kneeled down brushing a lock of tachanka's sweat coated hair from his forehead with his finger. He shifted uncomfortably but never removed his gaze. He was strong willed, never giving in to Jackal's actions.

"You know, you're the real daddy type and I like that. If I wasn't so into cute little guys like our friend back there, I would have taken your dick balls deep by now." He admitted with a smug grin, pointing towards the door behind him with his thumb.

Tachanka didn't say a word, he wasn't going to buckle. He wasn't going to give Jackal what he wanted; a reaction, something to make his situation worse. Instead, he kept his blank stare.

"Fuck, you keep looking at me like that and I'll rip your eyes from their sockets." He warned and Tachanka spat in his face in response earning him a harsh slap to the cheek. He winced slightly, but never broke.

"I'm fucking bored," he stated plainly, "I wanna play with you big guy." He smirked sitting on his toes as he patted Tachanka's arm. He shifted away from his touch and scoffed.

"Give me a sec, I'll be right back." He informed getting back to his feet and turning on his heel. As he headed over to a workbench of some sort that stood near the mattress Jäger was against, Tachanka took the time to plan his escape. He couldn't be here much longer, who knew what Doc was doing to Jäger.

He looked up to his chained hands, examining the pipe they were attached to. Following where the pipe headed with his eyes, he came across some sort of connection between the pipe. There was also another one behind him near the garage doors. If he could pull hard enough, he could break the bonds between the pipes and free himself. He nodded with determination at his plan.

Whilst Jackal was at the workbench, he began tugging on it. Taking a deep breath, he pulled as hard as he could on the pipe with the chain. Blood rushed to his head and his cheeks were painted red, dizziness clouding his sight, but he didn't give up. After a few more tugs, the far end of the pipe gave with a large snap that echoed through the room.

Jackal spun around and furrowed his brows in confusion. Turning back to his workbench, he grabbed something in a hurry and rushed over to Tachanka. Tachnka noticed the object that was held tightly shining in the light. It was a knife.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you fuck?!" He exclaimed flailing the blade around, rushing to his knees. Bringing the knife closer to Tachanka's face, he stared sinisterly into his ocean blue eyes, a glimmer from the blade reflected in them. This was his chance. Mustering up the remaining strength in his body, he began to pull even harder on the pipe than before.

"What the fuck are you trying to do? You can't escape you Russian bastard." He stated as he noticed the gap in the pipe whilst looking up.

"You're going to pay for this!" He warned bringing the knife to the corner of Tachanka's mouth. He pressed the knife lightly to his face, making a small incision. Drops of blood began trickling down his chin. It was nothing he couldn't handle. That was until he dug the knife deeper, creating a larger cut causing him to bleed heavier. Jackal let out a sinister cackle whilst Tachanka winced and groaned in pain. His eyelids wrinkled from being shut so tight.

He took another chance to pull on the pipe even harder this time. Sweat dripped down his forehead and soaked his hair, his red cheeks on fire but he didn't give up. The pain from the cutting only made him stronger and more determined to escape.

With one last tug, the pipe gave and fell suddenly. Jackal let out a yell as it came crashing down. He tried to scramble to his feet, but he wasn't quick enough. The pipe landed with impact onto the back of his head causing him to trip and stumble forward, driving the knife into Tachanka's shoulder. His unconscious body draped across Tachanka's legs, his head hitting the concrete floor. Tachanka screamed in agony at the object inside him. Tears flowed down his face. The pain was excruciating. He looked at Jackal's seemingly lifeless body, a puddle of blood forming under his face. He shoved Jackal off of him with a grunt.

Getting to his feet was difficult, but he used the wall to lean against incase he lost his balance. His legs were numb, pins and needles pricking at his feet. The pain from his shoulder only grew worse as he rose from the ground. He suddenly felt extremely lightheaded. He bent down, following the pipe along the floor slipping the chain off it slowly.

A gasp of relief escaped his mouth once he was free, the cut making him wince again. He finally escaped and now there were only two things left to do. Save Jäger and get the hell out of here.

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