Chapter 24 - Top Floor Trouble

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Tachanka quickly signalled the team to take cover and keep their heads down. They scrambled for the desks, that was their safest option. Jäger followed Doc to the right side of the office and took cover underneath one of the desks. Doc took cover a few desks in front. Tachanka and Jackal were on the other side.

Jäger pulled on a wooden bar underneath the desk so he could get a better view of the entrance. The room was completely silent, nobody moved an inch. Jäger was surprised when Tachanka suddenly whispered through the comms.

"Everyone stay low. Once they come in, we'll use stealth as our weapon. No firearms, just knives. Depending on how many there are, try and take any out within range. Let's do this boys!" He instructed and Jäger nodded in understanding, even though he couldn't see him because of the darkness of the room.

It was only a minute or so later before footsteps scurried into the office. From his sightline he created, he saw at least five sets of feet. Panic arose in him, but he mentally scolded himself; Be quiet!

The men separated, searching around the office. Once footsteps approached Jäger, he pulled his knife from his sheath. A pair of feet slipped past him and he took a deep breath. He was ready.

He scrambled from under the desk and dived onto the stranger immediately shoving the knife into the side of his neck. The man yelled out for a split second but was immediately silenced by his death. The other terrorists in the room turned towards the noise. Once Jäger's team heard the noise, they shifted from under the desks and sprinted to the nearest enemy they could see.

Tachanka unsheathed his knife and swiftly stabbed a man in his side, turning on his heel to slam the knife right into another man's chest. They screamed out in pain. Two men were suddenly approaching Jäger. Jackal noticed this an sprinted towards him. Shoving him to the side, he struck one of the men's throat with his knife and kicked the other man away.

"Marius! Get under that desk," he ordered, but Jäger shook his head wanting to help his team. "NOW!" He screamed scaring the life out of the guy. Tears slipped down his cheeks as he collapsed to his knees and shifted himself under the desk.

Jackal turned around to face the enemy he kicked who had now regained his balance and was sprinting towards him. The man took Jäckal off his feet, crashing into him. They stumbled to the floor. The man grunted then straddled a winded Jackal, wrapping his hands around his neck. Jäger watched in horror as he was being strangled. Jackal's noises of pain and fear and his scrambling to get the guy off him was enough to make Jäger slam his knife straight into the skull of the attacker. His body fell limp on top off Jackal and he let out a breathless groan.

Shoving the body off him, he sat up trying to regain his breath. He then looked towards Jäger who sat stunned beneath the desk, staring at the blade in his shaking bloody hand with remorse. He'd never killed someone so viciously before and it scared him when he realised what he was capable of. He felt disgusting, he felt sick. Sure he's shot at people before, but never with the intention to kill. Seeing Jackal struggle for his life like that made him realise that sometime sacrifices have to be made in order to save lives. He finally understood what Doc had been saying all these years.

He pulled his attention away from the knife and stared at Jackal. Doc and Tachanka rushed over to make sure they were okay. Even they were surprised by the scene in front of them.

Jackal got to his feet and leaned against a desk still trying to regain his breath. Doc held a hand out to Jäger and he cautiously took it. Seeing that shattered look on his face hurt Doc. He hated seeing people upset, he always had. He brought the boy into his chest and hugged him tightly. He sobbed into his vest as he smoothed his back to comfort him.

Jackal was pissed. There was no denying that. Without a second thought, he shoved Doc away from Jäger breaking their embrace. Jäger stumbled, nearly falling to the floor, but he managed to keep his balance.

"What the fuck?" Doc yelled in Jackal's face. Jackal only smirked as he yanked Jäger into his arms and squeezed him tightly with a smirk.

"Hands off Doc. He's mine now." He stated planting a kiss to Jäger's neck. Feeling Jackal's breath against him made him whimper softly. Doc couldn't believe it.

"I was just comforting him, look at the poor boy." He gestured towards Jäger in annoyance. Jackal only snickered smugly.

"He doesn't want your comfort," he stated matter of factly pressing a finger to his chest with emphasis on 'your'. Doc was pissed but he turned on his heel and walked towards the exit.

"Now if we're done here boys, we need to move on." Tachanka sighed in disbelief at the unprofessionalism in front of him. He could not believe they actually had such a stupid argument in the middle of their mission.

All Jäger could do was stand and listen. He was way to stunned to clap back at anyone and stand up for himself. He had to forget about what happened and focus on the mission. After all, that's why they are here.


A/N - Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter, I've never written anything "action" before, so I'd love your feedback!

Also, thank you guys so much for 5k+ reads it means so much to me! I love you all <3

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