Chapter 14 - Breakfast

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As the next morning rolled around, Jäger awoke feeling extremely rough after last night's events. He shifted slightly under Bandit's buff arms that were snaked around his body. With the movement he felt a sharp pain in his rear and winced. He'd never experienced an actual pain in the ass before, now he understood the expression.

While he had nothing to do he took the time to stare at his boyfriend. Not in a creepy way, but a way filled with fondness and admiration. Bandit really was perfect in his eyes. He giggled softly to himself as tiny snores escaped him. Boy was he in love with this man.

He decided he was going to repay him for taking him out to dinner, even if it did end up heading downhill, he didn't mind. He was going to make him a nice cooked breakfast. He slipped himself out from under Bandit's muscular arm slowly then got up from his bed. The sharp pain in his butt hit him again, a soft moan escaping his body. Bandit really did him in the previous night, he had to admit that much.

Usually the two would head down to the cafeteria for breakfast as it was quick and free, since they were operators they could get anything free from food to weaponry to uniforms. Everything was supplied to them. Although this time, Jäger really felt like he wanted to do something nice for his beautiful boyfriend.

He headed over to the little kitchen section of their room. There were three counters, one in which the sink was and another had a microwave on top. He opened the door to the refrigerator that stood right next to the counters, skimming over the contents. It wasn't long ago they went shopping for groceries, so the fridge was pretty stocked up.

He grabbed the packet of bacon on the bottom shelf, a carton of eggs and tub of butter, setting them on the free counter. There was a shelf above the microwave where the toaster was. He went into one of the cupboards and reached for the loaf of bread. Peeling the sticker off the top, he reached his hand in for two slices of bread then plopped them into the toaster. He then took four eggs and a pan from one of the cupboards, setting it on the stovetop. One by one, he cracked them into the pan, turning the gas on so they could fry away. Finally, he grabbed another pan and slipped a couple slices of bacon in it, setting it next to the eggs.

Meanwhile, he headed back to the bedroom to see if Bandit was still asleep. Of course he was. Jäger grabbed his phone from the nightstand and snapped a quick pic of him, hoping to tease him with it later. He giggled to himself then turned back to the door to check on their eggs, toast and bacon.

When their breakfast was all done cooking, he set everything on two plates, placing one of them onto a tray he found along with a glass of orange juice and a little note he'd written for Bandit. He decided to wake him up and surprise him with his breakfast.

"Dommy wake up baby," he yelled kneeing him lightly in his side as his hands were holding the tray. Bandit groaned and stirred before his eyes peeled open and were met with a smiling Jäger holding a tray full of food. He grinned and sniffed the delicious aroma of eggs and bacon.

"Good morning baby, I made you breakfast," he giggled and set the tray on the bed beside Bandit. He smiled gratefully with dusty pink cheeks and sat up using his elbows for support.

"Aww thank you baby boy. You really didn't need to this for me. I appreciate it Mari." Jäger stood grinning from ear to ear and blushing from Bandit's appreciation and husky morning voice. He bent down to kiss him on the forehead then left to tuck into his breakfast.

Meanwhile, Bandit noticed the little piece of torn paper slipped beneath his glass of orange juice. He slid out and rubbed his sleepy eyes, trying to focus on the neat curvy hand writing. The note read:

Dear Dom,
I made you this as a token of appreciation for you being in my life. I wanted to do something special for you to show how much I love you, even if it's just breakfast. I hope you enjoy babe, those eggs were a bitch to crack without getting any shells in the pan. Anyways, I love you so much and even if this is super cheesy, I'm so glad I have you. <3

Bandit giggled with fondness as he read the cute love note from his boyfriend. A stray tear slipped down his cheek. He felt so happy and warm inside, he really was the luckiest man alive in his opinion. He tucked into his breakfast with the thought of Jäger lingering in his mind. He placed a gentle kiss to the note and set it back on the tray.


A/N - Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it's been so long, I've had a major case of writer's block and a huge lack of motivation, but I'm all good now! This was a fluffy little chapter for you guys before all the shit really goes down. Yep, you heard me. Anyways, thanks for the support <3

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