The Uke Crew

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   April 18, 2018

     Our spring concert is next Tuesday! We're going to be playing:

    Epic Venture

    Song of Hope

   Air for Band

   Pirates of the Caribbean

  Moscow 1941

   My favorite is Moscow 1941. My sinuses are acting up from the weather change, but I hope I'll be fine by the concert, or else that won't be very good. 


     So Mr. Davis is going to be hosting applications and interviews for those interested in leadership positions such as Drum Major, section leaders, and librarian. Mom, Mr. Davis, and The Accomplice were trying to convince me to sign up for all three yesterday, but I didn't give in. I just signed up for librarian, which is the person who organizes sheet music and makes copies. I want to give Jazz less competition at being section leader, because both her and CS applied for it. (I honestly want Jazz to make it. She deserves it since she'll be a senior next year. CS will live since he's only going to be a junior). 

  The freshman and sophomores are having state tests this week, so the seventh and eighth graders, along with the juniors and seniors, have to go the gym for some classes. Well, I walked into the gym during third period to see a percussionist holding a soprano ukulele that he had borrowed from a friend. He was like,"Ukulele buddy!" We played the whole class period, then Hunther showed up with his ukulele fourth hour. The three of us had a jam session. 

   In SLT (basically a study hall class), Mom and I played and sang The Judge on ukuleles in the band hall.  It was great. He can also play Thunderstruck by AC/DC on the ukulele!!???? He shredded it lol. 

  Mr. Davis had us help him clean out the dungeon in SLT, too. Apparently there's this guy who will be coming to evaluate the condition of our instruments to see if anything needs to be repaired. There are so many instruments in the dungeon....

   The instrument-repair dude is going to be weirded out at the sight of my lightsaber and iPhone box in my case, lol. 

   Well, I guess that's about it. See ya! 

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