Blinded By the Light

59 9 33

October 21, 2017

The football game was amazing! I was at an FBLA conference with Spunky on Wednesday, so I missed learning a movement for our show. Well, thankfully Mr. Davis cut that out because not enough people knew it.
Well, Fluffeh, K2, Russ, and I all stayed after school (CS had to go to work until 5:00). We went to Russ's mom's room (she's an English teacher). Well, she said that she had to run to Walmart and she said that since we were good kids, she'd stop at Sonic and get us slushees! She is amazing!
   While we were waiting for her to get back after we left, we put the soles in my marching shoes and went to Dollar General. Let's just say that I feel sorry for the people there because we were being so chaotic. I haven't laughed that hard all week while we were there.
  By the time we got back to band hall, Russ's mom still wasn't back. So, we hung out in band hall waiting on her and fluffeh and I put eyeshadow on Russ. I also got Fluffeh's iPod and hooked it up to a speaker that some other band kids had brought and we played The Run and Go. Russ's mom finally got back and so we all headed up to her room. Well, when we opened the doors, the janitors were mopping the halls so we all went around the side of the building and climbed through the window XD.
We got our slushees and sat down and Russ insisted that he put eyeshadow on me since we did that to him. So I was sitting there and everything and I honestly started to feel really sick. It might've been because I ate a mixture of foods before coming up to the classroom and the slushee wasn't helping.
I was trying to hold down my nausea when all of the sudden I hear a voice go,"So you got slushees without me I see!" Or something like that. It was CS! He made my day.
However, I eventually felt so sick that went to the nearest bathroom so CS went and waited outside for me. When I walked out her tried to get a video of him scaring me but I didn't get that scared since I wasn't feeling that good lol.
We walked back down to band hall and CS carried me some of the way. We started getting our uniforms together. We got to wear our hats and they have big, fluffy plumes! They were so cool!
Well, the Accomplice didn't get away with putting Rebecca on his drum 😰 😂.
So by six when everyone was sitting in their chairs to warm up in the band hall, a tuba player came through the door and announced that the other team's band was there. There was an outburst of chatter! Everyone was getting pretty excited. CS looked like a fangirl about to die of a fangirl attack, lol. By then, most of us were itching to get out onto the track where we were setting up.
The first and second quarters were pretty good. The opposing band played our Seven Nation Army and The Hey Song. I looked over at the fence and not only did I see Jimmy, but I saw The Princess, who had moved over the summer! I was so happy! Mr. Davis dabbed again after one of our songs, XD.
Well, by half time, we were pretty pumped. I was slightly nervous so CS gave me a hug before heading to the fence to march out. We played Rosanna, September, Make Me Smile, and the school fight song. Some of the people from the trumpet and flute block forgot that we weren't supposed to move the second time through Make Me Smile, but the move looked pre-coordinated. However, I was freaking out on the inside because I wasn't sure whether to move for not. I stayed put.
We came off the field and got third quarter off. CS, Fluffeh, and I walked over to the concession stands. I ended up being introduced to a trumpet player from the other school. When he said his name was John, I flipped out because that's my trumpet's name (I didn't tell him that lol).
Well, John and CS started talking and Fluffeh leans over to me and was like,"He's gonna start bragging about you any second now." Sure enough, CS started bragging about me a LOT. John seemed pretty impressed I guess lol.
Well, the scoreboard had less than a minute left on it by the time we got our food due to like the mercy rule or something? We got reduced time because our team was losing. This is the first home game we've lost.
By the time we got back to our chairs, Mr. Davis had to make an announcement. He said that the other team's band director texted him after half time and asked if September was arranged by Mike Story for us. Turns out, both bands had the same arrangement.
Mr. Davis then told us that the directors made plans to meet at one of the end zones and have both bands play September! Everyone started to get excited.
The game ended and we all gathered at the end zone to play September. It so was epic and powerful! It was like someone had turned up the volume!
Before we played, Mr. Davis made the announcement explaining what we were doing and then he said,"So just watch our drum major. I know it might be hard since the field lights are right behind her, but just try not to be blinded."
At that moment, Mom sang,"Blinded by the light!" And I was like,"I was legit just thinking that!" A girl from the other school beside me was like,"Ughh!" She was probably thinking,"Kill me now."
We played September with my section. John and CS were two or three people away from me. John had first and I told him that's what I had and he was like,"I don't doubt it."
After we had played through September, we compared music from John's flipfolder. Then, some of us gathered around again and played Seven Nation Army since it was the same arrangement. It was epic! I had a really fun night.
Anyways, bye!

Oh! I forgot to mention: so last year in FBLA, I won fourth place in state for introduction to business communications, which included a lot of grammar corrections, which I'm pretty good at. Well, I caught Mr. Davis for his grammar yesterday when he put a slide on the board that said,"Grab your plooms." I was like,"isn't it P-L-U-M-E-S?" He fixed it XD. Then, a few minutes later, I noticed a sentence that didn't make sense and I pointed it out. Don't cross me lol.

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