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September 14, 2017

  We found our dots on the practice field yesterday for our Rosanna half time show. The trumpet section is right beside Fredrick the rock. He's one person away from me!

  We also got the song called September that I think we'll have to memorize. We also played through The Hey Song. 

  I have been asked by at least one person every day for the past two weeks if I'm going out with CS. Everyone says we'd make a good couple. I bet Mr. Davis is even shipping us :| 

  Like sometimes if people ask us if we're dating, CS will be like,"Not yet." I was telling Fluffeh about that and she was like,"Just wait for the day that he replaces 'not yet' with 'soon'." I was like,"On that day, I will scream."

  In science the other day we were learning about direction, and our science teacher was like,"So, imagine if I walked five miles and turned around and walked back but stopped halfway because I was too tired. What would I do? I'd call my husband and have him pick me up and take me the rest of the way home. XD" I was like,"Same."

Then, Russ was like,"Yeah, you'd have CS come and pick you up." Then, we both started laughing and I started turning red. 

  "Yeah, he'd carry me home," I said. We both laughed really hard.

  So in the middle of typing this (we had free time in 4th period), I got called down to the office. Now, I'm a pretty good kid, (other than the exception of locking K2 in a cabinet, but Mayo did that. It was just my idea.) so I don't get called down to the office often. Well, on the way there, I saw Gio, and he said we were being interrogated about a conversation between a tuba player and a percussionist. 

  I was one of the first people in there and the band kids just started filing in. And as soon as I was led to the interrogation room, the principal was like,"Where were you fifth period yesterday?" I said,"To make your job any easier, everyone that you called down here is in band." 

  "Oh really? How do you know that?"

  This next part just kind of flew out of my mouth. I was like,"Because band is family, so you know all of the members." 

  Well, I didn't witness anything that they were looking for, so I'm kind of glad that I wasn't that person being put on a lie detector test, XD. 

  So...yeah. Band is next period and we have sectionals. Bye.

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