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  October 12, 2017

  Hey guys. So, today was the first day of my private lessons for All Region with Mr. Davis. They were....okay. To say the least.
  So, I guess I'm a pretty good trumpet player and all for being an eighth grader in an 8-12 grade band and playing first parts in our marching show. But I've always wondered why I sound different than other trumpet players. Well, turns out, my embouchure is messed up. And it's been like that for over a year. Mr. Davis said that i could get it fixed with time by practicing buzzing into my mouthpiece instead of the whole trumpet and focusing on using my bottom lip more, but I'm not sure if I can get it completely fixed by All Region competitions in December.  I was trying to adjust my lips properly on the practice field today and I can play louder but now I'm struggling playing high notes so I had to switch back to the way I'm used to. Ugh. Anyways, I've been really stressed these past two weeks. This is just adding to the pile I guess. At least this is a problem that I can hopefully solve.

  Ok, moving on. We're getting our band pictures for the yearbook tomorrow! We're gonna be in our uniforms. I'm excited for it. It will be my first advanced band picture. Some of the members were trying to convince me to get a picture with them in uniform last school year right before I started coming in in the mornings but I declined lol.
  Well, I guess I'll see you guys. :\

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