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  October 30, 2017

  So we had a pep rally on Friday and it was pretty good. I was just too lazy to write about it lol. Mom got nominated for a senior game: bobbing for apples with vampire teeth. He didn't win though.
  We marched today to practice for our last game Thursday. Mr. Davis said it's gonna be more challenging next year and that we're gonna start working on it in May. It's gonna get real lol. Our first basketball game is next Thursday.
  I have a really bad cold sore on my lip that i hope will go away by this Thursday. It doesn't hurt when I play, but it bothers me.
  So...I was walking out of the cafeteria at lunch today behind Mom when the socially awkward person that I am trips on the carpet and runs into him from behind. I apologized and said,"I tripped." And he was like,"On what??" "The carpet," I said, turning red.
  Well....let's just say that I told Fluffeh and Jazz and they've kind of started a new ship (let's call it ReyJ..) and I was like,"NO! He is WAY TOO OLD." Plus, he is kind of first chair in my section, so that would be weird...

  Anyways, yeah. 😑. Bye.

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