Call Me Frodo

66 12 13

  August 28, 2017

So, Lane and I walked into band hall this morning to see corner of the room by the trophy wall covered in uniforms. They are our school colors—red, black, and white. Well, they're not exactly new.
  A school from a town thirty minutes away from us got rid of their old uniforms because they ordered new ones for their school.
  So, they either gave the old ones to us or sold them for really cheap. The only thing is the school crest on the jackets, but we've ordered our own school crests to cover them up and they're in the mail.
  Anyways, Mr. Davis said that there are like 200 uniforms and half of them haven't even been worn. I think we might even get to wear the feather plume hats.

  So, we went over marching stances inside today. It was raining, and we're supposed to go outside tomorrow, so hopefully it'll move out of the system by then.
  Well, whenever we raised our instruments to playing position, you could look down the line of trumpet bells and see a dramatic dip. example:


(If only we had that many trumpet players!)
  Yeah...that dip was me. That's how short I am. I'm 5'1 and 3/4 of an inch. I was standing with CS, who's like 6'4 on my right and Gerald, who's about 6'0 on my left. Everyone else in my section is taller than me except Gio, who is my height or like a centimeter taller or something.
  Every time we'd go into playing position, Mr. Davis kept gesturing for me to raise my bell higher and I was like,"I'm gonna die!" 😭😭😭.

  I might as well be condemned a hobbit.

So, yes, I did manage to braid CS's hair today, but it didn't stay in. K2SO was teasing me the whole time, but I think he's just jealous, XD. CS and I also got a picture together and the whole time I was blushing profusely and had my eyes closed. I hated it! I might get a retake tomorrow.

  Anyways, we're supposed to start marching on the field tomorrow, so I guess I'll write about that. But for now, Goodbye!

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