Twas the Night Before School Starting (Well, the Morning Of)

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August 14, 2017


Last night I went to bed around 9:30 pm, but didn't physically fall asleep until around 11:30 pm. Reading a book and listening to Star Wars music didn't really help, although I fell asleep before the end of the track on my Star Wars CD.
To top that, I woke up around 4:40 am. It's 5:50 am right now and I haven't slept since then. I'm technically supposed to be up at six.

Like I'm not sure if this is night before school jitters or not. I'm not even nervous! I'm probably gonna feel like crap today though from the lack of sleep.
Oh well, I'll live. I'll try to update tonight to tell you about how school and band went.

See ya later.
- Rey

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